Sunday, November 14, 2021

Bored? Engage With Inspiration




Every one of us get bored.  Every one of us creative.  Sometimes we let procrastination go hand in hand with boredom.  Write, draw, use a product you have never used before.  Read a book.  Sing.  Dance.  Change your environment (you know you love changing up furniture placement.  How do we amp up away from boredom and procrastination?  Even when we are in the middle of something we love to do, sometimes the blahs just hit you.  You don’t want to do it, don’t want to finish anything, you just want to sit and sigh.

Look, creative minds have a dozen creative things they want to do.  We do not NEED to do any of it.  We love to do it.  But suddenly the BLAHS hit you and nothing fulfills you.  Procrastination has grabbed your hand and heart.  Why is it so hard to pick up something new?  Maybe pick up something you used to do.  Tah duh, thus my clay work this month.  And, tuh duh, the diamond painting.  They may get boring too, but, for now, just ease into that something new. 

Sometimes fear holds us back.  Not fear of anything particular; maybe fear of failure at what we are going to try doing that is new to us; maybe even fear of success, as we can fear lots of things that do not make sense.  Maybe we might just fear getting started on something new.   These things are all triggers for us in some way and can keep us in boredom rather than being inspired.  Maybe boredom can become an addiction of a kind. 

Some of us are ‘get ‘er done’ people and we have done things with a gusto and in a hurry and it can be difficult for us to learn new things now, maybe that is what keeps us from just doing a bit at a time.  That in itself can be difficult for us.  Some things we make into mountains when it is just a matter of zig zagging through a bit at a time.  Maybe we have forgotten how to lose ourselves in creativity or things that we used to love doing. 

Boredom needs a good dose of reenergization.  ‘What’s the use’ is probably we say a lot to ourselves when we are settled into our boredom. Rather than that, why not try something new and different?  Why not do things that will help to boost you out of the doldrums:

Go for a walk where you have never walked before.  Take a drive, just wandering different roads, new roads, and see what is there.  Seek things.  Do something where you know something will be funny and you can laugh.  Cook something new.  Go to a bookstore and peruse new publications.  I love to look at magazines on psychology and new age things.   Go where people are and find one person to talk to.  That is hard for me.  I have a hard time just starting new conversations with strangers.  But it is one thing that really energizes me.  Exercise, if you can make yourself do it, even if it hurts.  Write lists of all the things you are grateful for and let memories add to it.  Call a friend you have not talked to in ages.  Crank up some music; put your headset on and listen to relaxing music.  Go gather up some kids to play with.  I zoom with my triplet grandkids and they text me a dozen times a day.  There are a million ways to be reenergized.  Find it.  It is sitting right there waiting for you to move into it. 

I wish you energized.

©Carol Desjarlais 11.14.21


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