Monday, November 15, 2021





In the past, I was afraid of good things.  Now, I find that happening again.  You see, seems that so often, especially now, during covid, that when a good thing happens, something balances that out by having a not good thing happen.  I have let it rob a lot of my joy and pleasure. 

When we free ourselves of baggage, we able to experience joy that is sustained, happiness that is sustained, peace and gratitude that is sustained. 

How to feel absolute joy and pleasure and gratitude, one has to free themselves so you can be open to new things, IN THE MOMENT, and refuse anything you might think of, of past or future, that tries to rob us of that joy, pleasure and happiness.  It is then that you can be grateful, truly, deep down, gratitude.  We need to be nourished.  We need to be sustained.  We need to feel loved and joyful and matter.  Being in the Present allows us to instantly feel it and, if we are open hearted, we can sustain that.  We should sustain it.  Be welcoming instead of afraid.

Our being Present is what opens us up to allow nurturing, kindness, gratitude, love, joy, happiness to come in.  We need to find ways to have that happen.  Hold space for that in your life. 

I was always so stressed, so fearful, and I never allowed myself to show it.  It was not until I did something ‘wonderful’ for myself that I began not to fer good things.  It may seem funny to you, but divorcing my kids’ father gave me the greatest gift of all.  I did something for myself and I mattered to me.  I sucked up all the good stuff I could after that.  I still do.  I allow small insignificant things, to others) are huge to me.  The song of a bird, the breath of a new puppy, a beautiful frost on our junipers. The voice of my loved ones, the sight of my family….  I refuse to let life look or feel gloomy.  During covid this is hard, but I will do something that nourishes myself and I can then be open enough to feel all the good stuff that comes. 

We all deserve happiness and peace and joy.  None of us deserves being disappointed.  Do not disappoint yourself.  Open up and let all the good stuff roll on in.  I am working on it, how about you?

©Carol Desjarlais 11.15.21


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