Friday, November 12, 2021

Soul Rest



“Every person needs to take one day away.  A day in which one consciously separates the past from the future.  Jobs, family, employers, and friends can exist one day without any one of us, and if our egos permit us to confess, they could exist eternally in our absence.  Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for.  Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us.”
Maya Angelou, Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now

My friend, Noreen posted a post about needing soul rest.  It hit me hard.  I get it.  We have to repair, renovate, restore our poor restricted, abandoned, wounded souls that have just gone through huge psyche trauma for almost two years.  She was not the only one that such triggered her to post that post.  There has to be many of us who are in the same boat being tossed and turned and twisted and toned-down.  We are feeling all this fear and frustration right to the depths of the deepest part of our being.  I do not know about the rest of you, but I have this sense of confusion, betimes, about whether I am lost or whether I am in balance, or whether I am missing something and need to find it.  But it seems not to be anything material, no person, place.  It is a type of longing, but, for what, I do not know.  Suddenly, with Noreen’s post, it struck a large gong… My Soul is missing me!

Powerless is an easy feeling to feel when you are stressed, surprised by something negative, and feeling overwhelmed.  When we have been heartsick and weary and worried, we can feel stuck.  When we struggle, emotionally, we have a wounded soul.  Sometimes that soul needs rest.  How do we get soul rest? 

First of all, find your passion.  It is there.  Do not let your Ego/EIW tell you it is not.  Connecting the body with the soul through working on your passion, is one of the best things to do.  For me, it is creating of any kind.  It keeps my soul’s fire stoked and in a slow burn that is warming and healing.  Somehow, when negativity comes, and, it does come more often with covid residuals, I have to seek my own positive beauty and be engaged in my own passions. 

It is easy to recklessly abandon reality.  Sometimes our soul simply shuts down.  Rather than see that as a negative see it as a big billboard that says, “Closed due to renovations!”  We have four quadrants to our being.  We are physical body, we are mind, we are heart, and we are soul.  Our soul is pretty danged important so it is not a good thing to procrastinate in find ways to soothe it. 

Anything that does not hold high value to you, ditch it!  Do not be bound to things that will eat away at your soul like a bad disease…dis-ease.  Only talk to, read, be with, people who love you and make you happy.  Be around people, things, places that support you and nourish you.  Find things that make you laugh.  Right now, I am into Steve Harvey and I am lucky The Bee Man likes it too so I can have it on in the breaktimes when I am sitting doing some work at my craft table area I have put in the dining room.  Think about the stories you tell yourself… or the Ego/EIW yells you and has told you.  Today is a new part of your story.  Own it.  Change what you were meant to feel shame about.  Step out of the persecution complex.  Step out of the victim complex.  Step out of the rescuing and pleasing you were most likely conditioned to feel.  They are not you today.  Consider what you really need...  I mean REALLY need that you alone can fix or get.  Step away from your Ego/EIW and live in self-love and forgiveness. 

I wish us this!

©Carol Desjarlais 11.11.21



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