Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Image Used Without Permission By A Stranger




Imagine finding your photo, of you, being used by a stranger, online.  Well, that just happened to me a few days ago.  I was perplexed, and felt like someone had robbed me of something.  I do not know how to explain it but I was dead set on finding out who was using it and why and then I hit on how to find out if it had been used by anyone else.

Easy as pie…

Type in “Search google image” in the google search bar.

Click open. 

On the search bar, you will now see a small camera icon. 

Click on that and it will prompt you to upload the photo of you that was used without your permission. 

It will come with the image and you click on that to find out who is using it.

Then, it is up to you.  It is fraud/ copywrite infringement but they will only tell you to contact the person and ask them to remove it from their post, or wherever they have used it.  If that does not work, then write a ‘cease and desist’ letter and file it with a lawyer.  Nothing, legally, will be done, but it might get them to remove it.

It is not ethical to use someone else’s personal photo of a painting or of a selfie.  It was interesting that I had posted it on Facebook way back years ago and then in 2019 it was used by another person.  The person had removed it at some point and only had the post there without my photo being with the post.  It was posted by someone that was purportedly doing some kind of reading according to eyes.  The person had not identified me, nor do I even know who she is nor had I ever had such a reading done.  It was the above photo simply used in her post.  The original post, with my photo, had been posted in 2019, by her, but I had posted the photo a decade ago when I lived in Maine.  I know when it was taken because I recognize the eyeglass frames being back then. 

 It is strange the feelings that we feel when such happens.  Suddenly one does not feel as safe on the internet.  It behoves us to check, once in a while to see where our personal photos might end up.  Here is a palce to go to do reverse image searches.


Be careful out there.

©Carol Desjarlais 11.9.21



  1. I will show them the moon. They can use that. The moon belongs to me. Just saying. The digital age is one of no privacy.

    1. You are right.. I jsut never thought it would happen to me. xoxo
