Saturday, November 13, 2021

Raise Your Vibration




Beneath our consciousness lies our vibrations, our resonance, that is one of the keys of our very organization of cells.  We are all about vibrations.  A German neurophysiologist, Pascal Fries explored gamma, theta and beta waves from the brain, alone, and found that it has to do with our consciousness.  And, it has been found that everything has vibrations and that we share vibrations with all things. 

Those drawn to stone gathering are those who unconsciously gather the energy and vibration of that certain stone.  I have an ancient stone tool.  It is beveled and made into a pounding rock that fits in two hands when cradled.  It buzzes when ones’ own vibrations are resonating with it.  It is one I often smudge and I keep close to me for its ancient knowledge.  WE share vibrations and I have had others have that happen to as well.  It is why crystals affect some and crystal bowls will sing easily for some.  I have some of all.  My crystal bowl is tuned to the heart chakra, of course, and ringing it by rubbing the rim with a soft leather covered drumstick-type tool makes it sing wildly.  Yes, and the heart buzzes to it.  We share energy/vibrations. 

Everything in life vibrates and resonates. Colors and sounds vibrate.  Nothing is just sitting like a bump on a log.  Everything is singing an a song of vibrations.  Sounds vibrate but not only vibrate, those vibrations of energy make songs. 


Healthy things vibrate very well and it is incredible that they use vibrational therapies to tune up (tune, yes, to a certain song).  Listening to healing music, listening to nature, listening to water, can have a positive effect on us.

When you spend time listening to music, make sure it is positive.  When you read you need to find a book that resonates with positivity.  Watching movies that are positive lifts your vibrations.  Being with happy, laughing children, and adults lifts everyone’s vibrations.  Of course, LOVE lifts one’s vibrations. Art journaling lifts your vibrations because your soul and mind, and hands are lifted into a space of positive vibrations.    Speaking has vibrations.  How we speak sends out vibrations.  Doing things that are part of our passions lifts vibrations. 

Do a google search for soul/spiritual/ healing music to listen to when you feel your vibrations slow (as when ill, hurt, wounded, sad,, etc.)  will raise your natural vibrations and your resonance will become more positive.

This is not a new way to think and understand our connection with all things.  Elders have known it further back than earliest memories.  They do what we call “aura massage” in a way and it is meant to speak to the healer about what areas need healing work.  I have experienced this on both sides. 

There are many writings and professional papers to research.  I hope you seek some.

Yes, good good good good vibrations, sister-friends.

©Carol Desjarlais 11.13.21



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