Tuesday, November 30, 2021

SeussThought Wrought



Our Spindles Have Dwindled – Our Ire Rekindled

I do not like this in I am in

Seuss is the only way I can spin

If wishes were dishes and dishes weren’t done

Nothing to do and there’d be no fun


If everyone else would mind ps and qs

Freedom we’d win and covid would lose

If sick would stay home there’d be wellness and hope

But, sometimes, with dummies, we have to cope


I sit in a muddle and muddle things o’er

I’d like to go mingle and go shop at each store


Bit wearing a mask is too much to do

So I sit at home grumbling and sit in my stew


I’ve crocheted and ricocheted and painted and such

But boredom’s took hold and I’m comforted not much


And now a new one comes roaring to our world

WHO is whoing and new restrictions unfurled


I’ve had my shots and my shots have had me

No side effects other than other’s shot would always agree


That I am pretty sick of this focus on sick

Our mental health suffers our energy leaves quick


I notice small things like hair on my chin

They don’t show up much as isolation we’re in


There’s weather so hot we boil water on rocks

We’re vulnerable here amidst this damned pox


There’s floods, there’s fires, there’s rock and mud slides

And people are nasty as nasty besides


But, if one more person says ‘new normal’ to me

They won’t be pleased with the me they see


I am calling on Gods, on angels, on devils, if there are

I am sending good thoughts to some far away star


But they don’t seem to be hearing or even reply

My pleas and my pledges, my hopes and desires go awry


It’s totally totally out of control down here on earth

I’ve saved some money, though, for what its worth

If aliens are what we think there are

They should come rescue us six feet afar


Nothing we do, no bandstanding or march round the bend

No singing what’s praises nor praying nor singing nor well-wishing send


We’re screwed     that’s it and it is that is

Grasping at straws for reasons of big biz


No big gov department no one celled dark room

No billion or trillion is going to come with a broom


To seep up this mess that we’ve made of ourselves

Nor stock our accounts nor put food on our shelves


Hope dwindles and our spindles are still

Another long day to try and fill


I am seriously thinking avoidance is dope

For I have run out of skills to just manage to cope


Armchair experts and conspiracy theorists might stay out of my way

I might just lose it and someday might be today


You can hope that I make it  you can hope I find a way

To simply feel less desperate and more of okay


But, we need this damned thing over and gone really quick

For it isn’t just covid or flu we are sick


We are tired to coping    we are tired of making do

I am mad as hell   how about you?



©Carol Desjarlais 11.29.21

Thanks to Dr. Seuss who this thought wrought

I have a new spindle that needs to be bought



The buildings were big and people would smile

And travel they would mile by mile.

But sick they become, in numbers it grew

Businesses worried, communities too.

Things stopped for a bit, the world slowed its roll

The virus has certainly taken its toll.

But what they then saw from slowing things down,

Is in fact they now had less reasons to frown.

Families now gathered, what game shall we play?

Pass me the blue crayon, give Mommy the grey.

Dad’s home guys! He’ll read us a book

then all of us together will cook.

The lungs of the planet caught a small break

less travel meant less pollution to make.

People did realize they’d all be OK

They don’t need so much to get through the day.

Maybe this virus that caused so much stress

Showed the whole world that more can mean less.

- by Rhonda Lacey, the morning show Inspired by Dr. Seuss


People follow routine, day in and day out,

Doing all of the things they wouldn’t think twice about.

Going to mall or the movies, perhaps a concert or two,

The possibilities are endless for what they could do.

They think of the summer, making plans galore,

Then suddenly something happened, they hadn’t seen this before.

A disease like the flu, or so some would say,

Nothing to worry about, go on with your day.

And so the people did, taking trips and running around,

They carried on with their lives, feeling safe and sound.

Then suddenly the numbers, upwards they grew,

All traveling was cancelled, and schools closed too.

The cases were increasing, the restaurants shut down,

Bars closed their doors, no more nights on the town.

Let go were the workers from jobs meant to last,

How could this virus have spread oh so fast?

Lockdown was here, in their homes they had to stay,

When seeing people around, be six feet away.

The people grew angry, depressed, and bored,

How could all the things they planned possibly get ignored?

Two weeks went by, people put up resistance,

Bringing them to another month to social distance.

Life had slowed down, what were the people to do?

Sit back, take a breath, and change their point of view.

People going on walks and saying hello,

Seeing how many of their neighbors they didn’t even know.

Technology used to connect with friends from the past,

Trying to remember the time they spoke last.

Completing fixer-up projects, cleaning around the house,

Time off of work to be spent with their kids and their spouse.

Families play board games and sit laughing for hours,

The people have time to cook, and take long, warm showers.

The litter is cleared, pollution is low,

The true beauty of our planet can finally show.

The people are willing to help each other now more than ever,

Who knew that being forced to stay apart would bring them together?

Though the schedules have to change, and life took a twist,

There are ways to make up for the plans they will miss.

The people can relax, and see what other creativity this time brings,

Above all they have learned to appreciate the little things.

-        Kaylee Sperling of Monroe is a junior at SUNY Geneseo.


Monday, November 29, 2021

How to Deal With Negative Nancys




“Negative people exist on reactions from others. It is their fuel to survive. Do not give into the temptation to respond. It is not your responsibility to keep their tank full and yours empty.”
Christine Szymanski

‘Negative Nancys’ are a derogatory term for person(s) who are considered excessively and disagreeably negative and go out of their way to be controversial.  Their purpose is to have their own kind of control over events, push conspiracy theories, and/or are simply nasty in negative comments, one after the other.  They, actually, live a very fear-based life and they tend to try to manipulate others into considering/ believing as they do.  They are tough to deal with.

A friend of the family was/is anti-vax and she has progressed into thinking she is allergic to the vaccine, to she actually believes their will be holocaust type camps where they will put the anti-vaxed. Another believes every danged conspiracy theory ever perpetrated (even old ones) and goes against the grain of everything, including that the government is making these fires and floods happen due to weather control.  I am not sure either began believing their ideas, but both are adamant that they believe this kind of stuff and rain on every parade they can reply to.  There are reasons they are negative but there are reasons why they bother us.

They have hurtful qualities.  I think it seems almost episodic for them.  It is not an excuse no matter how much we care for them.  We become aware of their patterns and how they challenge us.  They are difficult people and hard to be around so we tend to, and should, withdraw from them when they start ‘band-standing’ their oppositional ideologies. We often give them the benefit of doubt and yet, must not because they are manipulating for their own (not so hidden) agendas. Did I say “shite-disturbers’?

Their conversations/texts/posts are always them dumping emotional baggage on you and could care less if you are weighed down by their negativities.  When you need the most support or hope, they will dampen that with a slammed down comment(s).  Those comments are typically way out in left field and they are destructive to others who might be clinging on to some last hopes.  I am sure you have run into this type of people and are becoming awakened to how they are ‘Debbie Downers’. 

Often we have a history with these kind of people because we tend to trust and forgive easily.   We tend to have a false faith in them, that they would not do us wrong…but, they cannot help themselves and we allow them to take advantage of us.

They tend to be fault-finders, and, of course, that is merely their way of putting others down to where they feel about themselves.  Trying to help them can cause us to be worn down and as discouraged as they are.

At some point we have to withdraw from them as much as possible.  It does not mean forever, it just means, when they are going through an ‘episode’ of negativity and ‘glass half full’ projections, we withdraw from them.  If they mean a lot to us, we can check in later.  As we get to become aware of what they are doing, what we are allowing them to do to us, we have to understand that they are chronic complainers and their purpose is to drain you of what they least want you to be…peaceful, happy, comfortable, etc. 

To try to correct them is futile and not your job.  Let go and let the Higher Power finish with them.  If they are someone you simply cannot give up on, wait them out and find ways to embrace them by understanding how hurt/fearful they are.  Remember, we only feel what we want to feel.  Their feelings belong to them. 

Do not take their bait.  Let them know how much you are trying to stay positive in difficult times.  Allow them their feelings but hang on, dearly, to your own.  See how much of what they think might be something you are trying to stuff of your own.  You could try to mention something about them that you like, a memory, and shared laughter you have had... turn the topic. 

We can not always completely sever cords to those who are Negative Nancys.  But neither do we allow them to bring us down.  Do not add anything for them to stir the pot with.  Simply say, “I am sorry you feel that way.”  That, typically, will stop them in their tracks as they pause to sort out what that might mean. 

If you ever find me being a Negative Nancy, and I seem not aware of it, please, let me know.  That is not something I want to be nor do I want others to feel like I am that kind of person.  Remember, hurt people hurt people. xoxo

©Carol Desjarlais 11.29.21