Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Voice of Wisdom




Wakan Tanka, Great Mystery, teach me how to trust My heart, My mind, My intuition, My inner knowing, The senses of my body, The blessings of my spirit. Teach me to trust these things So that I may enter my Sacred Space And love beyond my fear, and thus Walk in Balance With the passing of each glorious Sun.  - Lakota Prayer

Our truth lies deep within the center of our soul where The Divine Feminine resides.  To disconnect from the Divine within means that we are living on our own and that loneliness can be projected in so many ways.  It keeps us from knowing true gratitude for what is more important than Earthly things.  It keeps us from our true paths and we will often feel lost in spirals of seeking but never discovering that the path we are on is the absolute right path.

When we spend time creating, we learn to stop listening to critical voices and slowly come to a place where we allow our Inner wisdom to express itself.  The more it expresses itself, the more connected we become to the very soul of life. 

Too many times have we been scripted to be pleasers of everyone but Self.  We are kept too busy (or keep self too busy) to listen, to process, and to feel powerless.   We do not remember to simply ask for comfort, for teachings, for knowing.  April is the month for sprouting, for beginning to grow in new ways.  We, like the plants are able to rise, turn our face to the light, and become who we were meant to be, with the truths we have always known but had not, perhaps, paid attention to.  The best place to find that stillness, for me, is to sink into creating, arting, making real what my soul has given me a glimpse of.  It is my place of meditation, of prayer, of sacred work and my soul creates and I have epiphanies, time and time again.    What I create are my truths.  I refuse to be a talking head.  I want, as my elders taught, to act, react, speak, greet, from a place of the heart.

When we begin to be spirit/soul centered, which accessing the divine within is, we will disappoint any, person, place, thing that has been trying to condition you into being as sad, angry, hurt, as they are.  We begin the hard work of delving into our own sacred spaces and learning the truths that are within.  We will learn how to set boundaries in every quadrant of Self:  physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual.  We will learn that care and love for others, at the expense of Self, will always leave you wanting.  We will begin to lose those moments of resentment that comes from having a void within that is never filled/refilled with what we give out to others.    We will learn to know who, what, where, when, how, why of personal things and be able to discard, release, surrender to that which is necessary for our own spiritual growth.  We will be grateful for the spiritual people, places, things that are meant to be in our life.  The Divine Feminine has been waiting for us.

Our soul is our most precious quadrant of our life.  We are precious.  It is time for us to act in such a way that shows we are Knowing, we are connecting, we are being led and guided and taught by something so holy that we cannot fathom it all.  Let us be sacred, act sacred, bless others with our sacredness.  Bless ourselves.

©Carol Desjarlais 3.31.21




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