Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Teachings of Cedar During Snow/Hunger Moon




There are many good things I learned in my twenty-three years living in the North in my beloved isolated and semi-isolated communities.  The Elders were so lovely and so willing to teach me.   Then, there was my brother, who saved the life of both me and my youngest son.  We are forever linked and he will be forever missed.  Cedar used to be a woman and as long as there is cedar nearby, we will never be alone.  This is what I know, as much as I was taught:

Cedar is strong medicine.  Its main medicine is to protect and promote peace while clarifying messages from one’s Inner soul. 

I have been drying cedar branches, so I can pulverize them into powder.  The old people, and those who live in the far north, dry them on drying racks, or on an old wood stove. 

Powdered cedar is used in sweats, in smudge bowls, and is wonderful medicine as a poultice.  When boiled, the steam and tea is good for the lungs.  Also, tea is often made of cedar fronds for during sweats.

In the olden days, and some medicine people still do this, cedar is burned morning and again at night to clear the air from anything not good.  It was said that it stopped Tuberculosis that comes from being shut in four walls. 

If someone was doing ceremony or recommitting to the Good Red Road, powdered cedar was put in the moccasins so that one would walk the right walk and will walk in good ways. 

Anything used to gather food was washed with cedar tea so that nothing bad could be stuck in the gathering nets and baskets, etc.

Any containers were washed in tea because things get caught in them.  If you gossip or have felt jealousy, those thigs go find a container to hide in.  Containers of any kind are and were sacred and much needed to make life easier but if you gossip around them or think negative thoughts, those thoughts will go there to hide.  It can bring you much negative situations if you do not cleanse any containers. 

Cedar sap is powerful.  If we are unclean, negative, not in a spiritual sensibility, an unbeliever, then cedar sap can make one very ill.  But, if you believe in the medicine of the cedar, drinking a tea made from the fronds, it will find and fill unhealed spaces in you and allow for healing.  This must only be done on a full moon and not often. 

Invite cedar into your home.  Decorate with it.  Hang it outside over your doorway to keep negativity out.  Cedar is a purifier.  Smudge it often so it does not starve.

And so, again, I tie bundles of cedar branches into the shape of a woman.  She will reside here until she dries and then I, again, will make medicine of her.  Until I am able to attend a sweat, and drink the cedar medicine, I will have to make medicinal tea for myself. 


©Carol Desjarlais 3.3.21


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