Wednesday, March 17, 2021

More On The Shadow Self




In life there is always an equal balance of good and not good.  In he world there is equal balance.  In situations there are both.  Within us is the Universe, the world, the sun, the moon, and the stars, and so it is that all things are in balance.  It may not seem like a balance, but it is.  Negative energy is there.  Positive energy is there.  It is here within.

Releasing negative energy within is tricky because sometimes we are not conscious of how our energy is sent out into the ether.  Oh, it is easy to point the finger outwards, but, you see, the choice is always within as to how we act, react and how much we work to be more positive.  We are not talking false positivity, although sometimes we might fake it ‘til we make it!  But seeing it all from without removes one’s sense of personal responsibilities for the negative that is put out.  We may think our thoughts do not enter the ether.  They do! 

So many things affect the ether.  Consider all the dehumanizing ways our life is going.  Bad behavior/non-rule-followers, and the crises they keep us in with preventing passing of covid.  Passive bystanders, like a group of teenagers egging a fight on with no care who really wins, just the care that they love the violence.  Refusing to relinquish any power to anyone in family, community, society, the world and the ‘crab-in- the-bucket mentality that trickles into our every day as we accept that someone has to be in control and that it is life or death.  Things are chaotic and disordered as people clean the selves, still, and no one knows when or where to get the vaccines.  It feels like the scientists and politicians are just as confused.  Many have settled into a type of apathy and feel like their lives have no meaning without the usual ‘normal’ lifestyles we are used to.  People are attacking other cultures, like Asians and those from the Middle East (typical targets those) and with the USA in political turmoil following a sense that they have permission to do harm, well, it is a mess and we see it beginning to happen in Canada.  There is definitely an us versus them consciousness as we become more and more divided.  Isolation is getting to those young and old.  And, there seems to be a lack of accountability during these crises as people seem to sense a bit of righteousness about making foolhardy decisions that there just is no way to be handled in overloaded courts.  It only takes a crisis to have people begin to show their shadow sides.  Think of all the negative energy that is floating around the ether.  Man, I have met my shadow side a time or two and I really did not like it. 

All we can do is tidy up our own lives and try to add to the positive rather than the negative.  The art groups are helping me stay even-keeled.  I work hard on self to not let this overwhelm me.  It does not mean that it doesn’t.  Betimes it does.  But I am finding ways to counteract all the negative I possibly can.

How are you finding things going for you?  Do everything we can to add positivity into the world, into our communities, into our families and everyday life. 

©Carol Desjarlais 3.17.21


****painting done with Jenny Manno’s  and her by Next JENeration Art inspiration.



  1. Lovely reflection - and I agree, our creative communities offer wonderful bridges to connection!
    I play harp, and a cherished memory is sitting in a sunny porch with a man from Guatemala, Jim with little English, my with HS Spanish ... Playing music. He would say, "HåPpÝ, happy, sun is shining, birds music ... " then play his guitar, and I my harp!

    I had been gifted a white huiple (handwoven shirt) a year or so before, that had the same embroidery as one they had brought from his village - so there was another thread of connection!

    1. Thank you, Nadya, for the responses. Yes, there is such serendipity, I find, during this year. Perhaps IO have no sat still enough to notice it more? I work hard to stay conscious of what I am putting out into the ether. While nights are filled with nerve pain, I have learned to simply surrender to it and do something that comforts me: Art, of course! Surrender is huge for me. I have never been a surrenderer.
