Thursday, March 11, 2021

Kick It To The Curb




“You alone are enough.  You have nothing to prove to anyone.” – Maya Angelo

There are always things to be kicked to the curb.  Yes, there are external people, places, things, to deal with, but, most importantly, there are inner things, that keep us from happiness and sense of well-being.  Love of Self versus Narcissism is a daily struggle when we are changing beings, when we are struggling towards a purpose and a reason for being. Feel comfortable and at peace in our own skin is imperative to a sense of happiness and comfort for us, yet, to others, it might be seen as an uncomfortable thing for them to see you blossom.  What do we need to ‘kick to the curb’ in order to feel contentment?

It is difficult to be individualistic.  I do not go lightly into my old age.  I still put neon color strips in my hair.  I now have to dye the fringes of my hair in order to keep some color to me.  I still dress in different clothes than many of my sisters dress.  I like to show my personality in other ways.  I do not do it for attention.  I do it because it makes my soul feel good.  Why is it such a struggle to know and love and express our individuality? 

I know that part of it is childhood conditioning to ‘be good’, to please, to be loved in return for complying to ‘authoritative’ standards.  Some of us have drug that concept of ‘not making waves’, not being allowed to show individuality (“what would people think?”) up through their elderhood. 

Self Love is not narcissistic, is not about being arrogant and not about being respected or admired.  It is about allowing expression of our very soul.    <any of us are still figuring out who we are, let alone express it.  We are very conditioned, still, to follow rules and meet societal or familial conditions that no longer serve us well.  So many of us still have a gnawing need to be ourselves, to know ourselves, to express ourselves.  If you have found ways to express your unique individuality, do a few moments check to see how you express your true self.  See what ways you are trying to be one of a herd.  How do you dare to love yourself?  It matters not how and when, it matters that you do! 

Dare to love yourself, to express yourself, and ‘kick to the curb' what does not suit you... does not reflect the authentic you.  Be your beautiful, wonderful, unique self, and express that!  It is not egotistical.  It is not ‘attention-getting’, it is you and you matter!


©Carol Desjarlais 3.11.21

 ***Pop art journal page done with Goddess Moon

1 comment:

  1. You are the master of painted expression. I really love this one.
