Saturday, March 13, 2021

Hecate’s New Moon In Pisces




“What one cannot tell to the (m)other, one cannot tell to oneself.”

- Bowlby


The New Moon falls into the waters of Pisces this evening.  Now is a time for deepening the depths of your spirituality, time to regard karma, and take care of private things.  Some magnified things are going to happen with Hecate’s New Moon, today.


Know that you are going to feel more emotional.  If you have been holding feelings in, they will erupt over these hours of Dark Moon. 

Expect to have more depth to intuition and empathic senses.  Know that you will need to go deep into those emotions and may have heightened dark energy that you must wade into slowly, taking care to deal with each level of emotions before stepping more deeply into the dark waters of negative feelings that may arise.  It can feel frightening but you need to provide space for those feelings so that you can receive an epiphany and healing that Hecate will provide.


There is something holy about the depth of darkness in the sky.  We all have shadowy areas in our lives.  The New Moon/Dark Moon is a space of timelessness, where there is, over a few hours, complete dark moon and a sliver of light beginning to grow. Know that the Great Mother Hecate will demand you correct that which is not right with the world, your world, others’ world.  To not heed the shadow area of your life and the need to correct things means you will cycle in chaotic, drama-riddled, life until the next New Moon/Dark Moon. 


I love this writing about Hecate and I do not know where I got it.


She is the darkness.

She is the cry of "enough."

She is the sigil written in stone.

She is the silent walking away of the betrayed.

She is the lonely raising arms to the moon.

She is the lie told to live the truth.

She is the secret circle drawing down her moon.

She is the poison that heals.

She is the bold stare into the future.

She is the blood shed to bring rebirth.

She is all those who dare to become.

She is the power that is our right.

She is The Dark Mother.


Some of us chose to turn our face, our mind, our heart and soul, to Hecate and simply spend time out under the dark sky and tell her all your problems.  There is great energy in the first sliver of the return of moonlight, as well.  Promise her that you will change what she commands you change.  Heal relationships that are important in your life and cast aside the dark relationships.  Over these hours between absolute dark and the sliver, know that it is time for you to take a hard look at how some relationships inhibit you from your purpose, from being authentic, and those relationships that are chains and ball to your progression towards a peaceful happier, soulful person. 


At Dawn purify your home and bless your new beginnings.  At Noon, focus in on protection, on the courage and strength it takes to delve into one’s shadow side.  At Sunset, let go of those things you have long needed to cast off into the dark.  Light a candle and banish pain.  Kick an addiction or negative habit. During the Night, focus on healing old wounds so that you might have peace come morning and your new beginning.


©Carol Desjarlais 3.13.21


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