Sunday, March 7, 2021

Something Sacred this Way Comes




We know so little of each other, online, and have no idea what might be most important to us, and important part of who we really are. 

At this point, I will share something very personal and sacred with you. 

Perhaps none of you knew that my name is “Pi’ta agi”, given by Rufus GoodStriker, a Blackfoot Medicine Man, in Waterhen Lake Woodland Cree Nation, Saskatchewan and reaffirmed by Woodland Cree Medicine Woman,  as  “Apiskiskwew”   and was pushed over a branch to take on the name in both languages.  I am Eagle Woman.  My last name is a Metis name (French and Cree).  I carry a pipe and a bundle.  I am an Elder, as well, and coming to my own in learning to be and share what I have been taught.  These things are sacred to me. 

I only share what I know.  It is up to you, if you need to know more, to find an elder and take in what fits your soul and discard what does not.

 I am neither right nor wrong, but I am a truthteller of these sacred things.  I humbly share what I know and try to share what I know to be true.  I will, if needs be, correct some thinking that I know not to be true, about the cultures I know of, personally, and have been a participant in, as I learned and was taught such things as I share. 

To say we are all ones who believe one thing is not true.  Within the First Nations, while there are many similarities, there are many many differences in culture, in ceremonies, in ways of expressing gratitude and need. Even Bands, communities, can follow certain differences in protocol.  We can not ever be lumped into one thing, one kind of ceremony, one kind of culture, one kind of ceremony.   If I hear something being said that I know not to be true, then it is my responsibility to speak the truth of it.  What I share with you is truth for me.  It may not be for you.  Each of us have to know our own truths.

I do not share this from Ego.  I share this with the responsibility charged to me as I accepted the responsibilities as I followed the Good Red Road taking on the teachings I was given.  I have had incredible experiences.  My younger children, who lived and loved in the far Northern communities have experienced things that can neve be denied.  It has been such a blessing in our lives.  It has been a blessing in mine.  But the commitment carries its cost, as it always does, when you have such responsibilities. There are certain things, people, places that I cannot be around.  There is a great deal of protocol.  I spent fours years of mourning which meant that I ha to put things away and not be involved in many things.  It is then that others were meant to support me since I was weakened and vulnerable.  It has taken its toll.  I have since spent a year and a half strengthening and sort of in a lost land as I now must go on my own with this.  I know that it can be a spiritually lonely road until I settle and find my source where I am.  I enter into this new solo life as a child beginning again to learn to walk and talk the walk and talk.  I am cared for by those who know and bless me. 

May you all find your truth paths and walk your walk and talk your talk.  As we move and settle into new roles in our lives, may we find those who are calling, in support,  from their own similar path parallel to ours.

©Carol Desjarlais 3.7.21



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. I have not shared this really and thought it time.

    2. Beautiful and very touching that you trusted us with your deepest self. May the Lord bless and keep you safe and give you strength to match your courage.
