Wednesday, March 10, 2021

I Am Wolf




This is one of my most personal favorite painting.  I am deeply connected to the Wolf.  I see reflections of the wolf characteristics, personality, in my own life.  Perhaps you do too.  Maybe you have dreamed of the wolf.  Maybe you have had a chance meeting.  Maybe you have simply been drawn to wolves.  If so, this blog post is for you, for us who have and are kin with the Wolf.


The power of the wolf shows itself in your instinct being sharpened.  It may show up as your need for freedom (often we call ourselves ‘gypsies’ because we wish to wander and sometimes move often).  Perhaps you are always a part of a tribe, needing to gather with old friends and new, and you are selective about your tribe and are most comfortable around these people you chose.  At times, you are very aware that you do not trust easily and it takes some time for you to do so. Do you often feel defensive and in some psychic way, even, do you feel threatened?   Your intuition will be heightened and you may say you are an ‘empath’ in that you feel others’ feelings.  You may have such things deeply embedded and you do not even trust yourself betimes.


Another deeply embedded thing is that you are keenly aware of connections of all things.  You are aware that you are connected to things above, beside, below and around.  You feel strong bonds with animals and all things of nature.  In fact, sometimes you do so too much in that you find it easier to connect with other things rather than people.  You may be a moody person, although you try to cover well, but you are aware that your feelings can change in a moment’s notice and you guard your feelings well for you are both the wild wolf and the gentle wolf.   (as was said, depends on what wolf is fed). 


Those with strong connection to the wolf may meditate, may sit and deeply consider, the aspects of the wolf when having to deal with challenges, troubles, even joyful experiences.  You show your emotions expressively and when you love, you are loyal, even, sometimes, when you should not be.  You have your own selective expectations of others and are, sometimes, even too deft in putting others in the place you have designated for them.  These are things to consider if you have not before.  But your emotions are very authentic, usually fleeting, and your rawness can often have you cycling through incidents again and again until you learn to balance your rawness.


You tend to live life fully, taking everything in you can from every moment.  You are passionate, you are full of laughter and love, you are one who expects justice.  Your spirit is alive and exuberant.    


Of course, within the personality of the wolf is the dark side.  We all have them.  We can feel threatened, vulnerable, and yet, we are not.  We need to remember to set good boundaries like the wolves do in their territory.  (I am working on this right now in making my personal space safe from those who would undermine me, deal with the jealousy, and am working with many ways to resolve it.  A special thank you to my friend, Edie who helped me and sent me gifts).   Wolves are really intelligent and they know how to solve problems.  The answers are within.


Reconnect with your true passions in life.  Perhaps you need isolation to really clarify your spiritual quest.  Know deceit of others and even deceit of that voice in your head that says you are not worthy.  You are a blessed wanderer.  Let off tension by finding something to get totally absorbed in, so involved that you forget all else around you and you find peace in the intensity. 

Blessed are those of the Wolf Clan.  Blessed we are by them.  Focus on your instincts, sister-friends. 


©Carol Desjarlais 3.10.21



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