Friday, March 5, 2021

Snow Moon In Virgo




Snow Moon is in Virgo and it is all abut fixing things, improving things, remaking and repurposing things, work, and service to others.  It is all about the sea and clarifying with salt and/or salt water. 


You will feel a need to fix people, places and things.  Remember, Creator does not want you to do his job.  He is doing it already and you do not know what fixing is needed nor how to. 


You will have new energy and can be counted on to do what you say you will do.  You will find yourself more efficient at what you attempt.  You might be trying to take on more than you can do but you will do it, no matter the cost.


You will want things to run smoothly.  You may become irritated at those who wish to do things their way.   You have, perhaps, become too comfortable with the way things are.  A change is as good as a rest. 


Suddenly, perfectionists will feel more perfectionist.  You have a craving to be awesome at everything you do, which will waste time, because…you are already perfectly perfectly you! And do not expect your own perfectionism to be someone else’s.  Keep it to yourself, if you must.


Focus on helping your sisters and sisterfriends get through these restrictions.  Dream up ways to show support, care and nurturing.  We are all starving for interactions we once knew.  Spring is breaking through.  It is like a boil that is coming to its head and this is when it hurts the worst.  Patience.  We may never return to the old “normal”, and the new normal is, yet, unknown.  It will happen and while IT is happening, YOU are happening.

©Carol Desjarlais 3. 5.21


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