Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Voice of Wisdom




Wakan Tanka, Great Mystery, teach me how to trust My heart, My mind, My intuition, My inner knowing, The senses of my body, The blessings of my spirit. Teach me to trust these things So that I may enter my Sacred Space And love beyond my fear, and thus Walk in Balance With the passing of each glorious Sun.  - Lakota Prayer

Our truth lies deep within the center of our soul where The Divine Feminine resides.  To disconnect from the Divine within means that we are living on our own and that loneliness can be projected in so many ways.  It keeps us from knowing true gratitude for what is more important than Earthly things.  It keeps us from our true paths and we will often feel lost in spirals of seeking but never discovering that the path we are on is the absolute right path.

When we spend time creating, we learn to stop listening to critical voices and slowly come to a place where we allow our Inner wisdom to express itself.  The more it expresses itself, the more connected we become to the very soul of life. 

Too many times have we been scripted to be pleasers of everyone but Self.  We are kept too busy (or keep self too busy) to listen, to process, and to feel powerless.   We do not remember to simply ask for comfort, for teachings, for knowing.  April is the month for sprouting, for beginning to grow in new ways.  We, like the plants are able to rise, turn our face to the light, and become who we were meant to be, with the truths we have always known but had not, perhaps, paid attention to.  The best place to find that stillness, for me, is to sink into creating, arting, making real what my soul has given me a glimpse of.  It is my place of meditation, of prayer, of sacred work and my soul creates and I have epiphanies, time and time again.    What I create are my truths.  I refuse to be a talking head.  I want, as my elders taught, to act, react, speak, greet, from a place of the heart.

When we begin to be spirit/soul centered, which accessing the divine within is, we will disappoint any, person, place, thing that has been trying to condition you into being as sad, angry, hurt, as they are.  We begin the hard work of delving into our own sacred spaces and learning the truths that are within.  We will learn how to set boundaries in every quadrant of Self:  physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual.  We will learn that care and love for others, at the expense of Self, will always leave you wanting.  We will begin to lose those moments of resentment that comes from having a void within that is never filled/refilled with what we give out to others.    We will learn to know who, what, where, when, how, why of personal things and be able to discard, release, surrender to that which is necessary for our own spiritual growth.  We will be grateful for the spiritual people, places, things that are meant to be in our life.  The Divine Feminine has been waiting for us.

Our soul is our most precious quadrant of our life.  We are precious.  It is time for us to act in such a way that shows we are Knowing, we are connecting, we are being led and guided and taught by something so holy that we cannot fathom it all.  Let us be sacred, act sacred, bless others with our sacredness.  Bless ourselves.

©Carol Desjarlais 3.31.21




Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Inner Divinity




To honor the Divine within, we need no intermediary, we do not need to pay anyone.  She is there, awaiting our acknowledgement, our interest, our respect and honoring.  Like all relationships, she needs feeding, she needs acknowledgement.  She needs us to tend to her.


If we can connect to our own Inner Divinity, we connect, deeply, to our intuition that she holds for us.  It is there that we find gratitude, where we find our most sacred ways, things, people, places and spaces.  She lives within us.  Hopefully we can learn ways to dig deeply and have her rise from her shroud where she has been waiting.


If we have not connected to that Inner Divinity our emotions/feelings will not be authentic and we will find waves of discontent wash over us.  There be a sense of a void we feel a need to fill.  It is the Inner divinity that helps us work through tough things in life – things we think we could never get through.  It is her that soothes us when we cry over troubling things.  Perhaps it is her that releases the tears that fall in order to release the hurt.

It is her that helps us bond in loving relationships.  When we acknowledge and honor our emotions, we are honoring the divine Within.  When our emotions are blocked, repressed, denied, we can never have true peace because we cannot access the beautiful calming voice of our Inner divinity.  We will feel stressed when there seems nothing to stress us.  We will feel The Void and a sense of lack of purpose. 

Another payment for denial of one’s Inner Divinity is huge and one that is all the talk nowadays.  We will never love our body as the temple it is.  We will allow others to abuse our body and we will constantly be unsatisfied with this Temple.  The beautiful energy within this temple is kept down by our constant dissatisfaction with how we look, how the beloved scars on our body are signposts of our struggle down here on earth.  It is sacrilege to dishonor our body and we will never heal until we allow the healing from within, from the Great Mother that is within.

When we refuse to listen to that sweet cooing Divinity Within, we will forget about our sixth sense that is intuition – Feminine Intuition.  We will listen to the Critical Inner voice rather that of The Great Mother that is trying to validate, teach and guide us.  Honoring your own intuition means that you will spend time, however you find those quiet moments, to listen;  to allow that sweet hum to begin speaking its personal messages to you; access that Inner Wisdom; act from a sense of absolute knowledge.  Those of us who have vivid imaginations may have heard and ignored. 

She Was Too Damn Much

They were all scared of her.

She had too much power.

They couldn't figure out or understand how she could have too much of everything all at once. She was a wild woman who displayed too much

No one could tame her

Oh they tried.

But they eventually got tired and could no longer keep up with her.

It wasn't that she was too much for them...they were too weak for her

She realized that none of them had the capacity to hold her.

Nor the endurance to carry her.

Or the strength to lift her to her highest potential.

They'd put her on a high pedestal, only to drop her when they became weak

She Was Too Damn Much

Too calm

Too aware

Too loving

Too strong

Too honest

Too difficult

Too sensual

Too sensitive

Too passionate

Too adventurous

She took up too much space

Her hair too wild

Her mind too full

Her soul too deep

Her truth too loud

Her heart too open

Her body too curvy

Her love too intense

Her smile too happy

Her emotions too high

Who the hell does she think she is? Someone needs to tell her ass to tone it down!!

That's what they said

But instead of simmering down, she set her soul on fire.

She took all her magic and used it as fuel to heal and love herself the most

She no longer needed anyone to validate what she already knew.

She knew she was too much.

So the hell what!

She finally accepted it and used all her "too muchness" to heal, evolve and transform onto the Goddess she knew she was


By herself.

She had everything she needed, including her tribe of sisters

For the first time in her life she relied on nothing else but the Power of Love she created within her too much self. It was there all along

What an empowering moment

She lost so much from others, just to gain much more in herself.

She now has the power to heal and love in all her glory...and tell the others

We should all learn from the Too Much Woman

I am Her and She is you

~Bea Elena~



Listen, listen, She Speaks! 

©Carol Desjarlais 3.30.21


Monday, March 29, 2021

Longing to Know The Divine Feminine



“The suppression of women's rights began with the suppression of women's rites. -Merlin Stone, When God Was a Woman, 1976


I have, as I have blogged before, longed for connection to the nurturing, care and comfort of a Divine Feminine.  There were side mentions of her but she was only the Christian Mary.  I was not connected to her.  I wanted a Co-creator.  There had to be one.  How could I find a way to connect to her?  Surely, she would be more loving than the monster male I had been conditioned to fear and believe in who was going to get me no matter even if I had been good.  One that did not expect that I would want to be perfect because even thin king you could be perfect was a sin but you were supposed to crawl on bended knee and take the beatings.  I needed a loving, compassionate, understanding Divine Feminine.  (Please do not think that I do not believe in an Omnipresent Being.  I do.  But, long decades ago I stopped identifying with “God” and call that Being “Creator” of the First Nations.)  It did not take me long to discover there were many many Divine Feminine Beings to identify with and such solace it brought my soul.


I am sorry that the Divine Feminine was hidden from us and we were taught not to question, to seek, nor to accept that there was a still small voice within that was her, was within us, that we only needed to begin to listen to and she would rise in most loving and compassionate ways.  I no longer had to identify with the Divine Being that others forced on me to make me, the woman, afraid, shamed, guilt-ridden nop matter what good things I did or was. 


The Divine feminine within is felt.  It, as is Creator, formless and yet, once you sense her, acknowledge her, there is a sense of unwavering feminine love.  We never get enough of mothering.  I think, as I consider the Goddesses and The Divine Mother, she is created in my own mind as The Mother image, in human form.  I find her, often, in my art, as such.  I find that I give her human traits, human weaknesses, and, yes, even human shadow side.  Yet, in speaking with the Elders, I have been told that Creator is neither male nor female. I guess I am grateful that I no longer see him as a vengeful being, well, a bullying old white being that is out to get us for some unknown reason. 

I came to understand that, in the English language, we tend to use the masculine pronouns to even label women, and yet, we assign the feminine to the Earth.  Anything to do with creation, in Indo-Christian religions is created by a masculine, yet we know it is the feminine that creates and gives birth.  We are told that we are created in God’s image... was God male or female?  There were always those missing logical ideas about God and the Divine Feminine. 

To me, the Divine Feminine is a being that inspires, a being that is empowering, a being that is healing, a being that is nurturing.  I am connected to Mother Earth as her home.  I hold her and Mother Earth as sacred.  I honor and respect and do not fear The Divine Feminine.  Our body is divine.  It is wonderful, miraculous, powerful, sacred.  The Divine Feminine is my holiest of holiest Mothers. 

©Carol Desjarlais 3.29.21