Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Triple Goddess: Intermediaries




Today, most seek Mary the |Mother, for intercession with her son.  She has become a staple for inspiration and consolation.  Mary has become very much the Eve of today, both females who were part of the whole plan for humanity – the faithful, obedient female in Mary and the disobeying Eve are represented.  Both women began with the story of sexuality.  The servant of male for Mary, the temptress in Eve. 

The Triple Goddess symbolizes The Maiden, The Mother, The Crone/Wise Old One.  Each corresponds with the waxing moon, the full moon, the waxing moon.  They represent the upper air, the earth and sea, and the underworld.  They represent birth, growth and death.  The earliest items of the Goddess have been found and are dated before 10K years ago.  They have shown up as bone or stone carvings.  She was and is known as the giver and the taker. 

Today, because of Christian influence, The Virgin Mary has become a pseudo representation of the Triple Goddesses.  We know her story of being The Maiden/Virgin, the Mother, but know little of her as the Old One/The Crone, except that, in the bible, it says that John was asked, by Jesus, to take care of his Mother. From there on, any writing in the bible then called her “Woman”.  There is one more mention of Mary, in the bible, in that in Mathew, and in Mark, it says:   "Isn't this Mary's son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon?". They also say, "Are not his sisters here with us?" So, there are at least two sisters and possibly more.  So, then, either Mary went on to have more children or Joseph did.  There is much controversy over this. 

As well, there is much controversy about Mary as the Aged \Old One/Crone, where there are some ‘experts’ who say they have found Mary and Jesus’ bloodline in a group called Merovingians, in France.  Also, somewhere it is said that Mary is thought to have lived for 11 years with the Apostles.  Who can know and what can be proved?  But Mary would have been 46 – 50 when Jesus was crucified.  If she lived another 11 years, she might have been close to 60, which could be deemed a Wise Old Woman in those times.  No matter the evidence, she had a life after the crucifixion and Christianity is in control of what we know.

I love the images of the Triple Goddess that I have seen and am often drawn to draw or sculpt her.  These that I have done, are both baked and air dry clay.  I do not suggest air-dried as it just does not seem as sturdy as the baked.  If using baked clay method of sculpting, you need a tinfoil-type core.

The Triple Goddess represents the Feminine Divine to me.  It is important to me to be able to connect to the Divine Feminine.

©Carol Desjarlais 16.12.20


  1. Very interesting read. Love the image of goddess. The druids I think used to make an image of fertility that looks like this, for prayer.

    1. Yes, and many similar types of this image are found in many ancient cultures. There is some so evocative about it. I make sure I have one near my altar and I am really into making them right now, perhaps because of the celebration of women/mothering with Mary as the central feminine figure. I have long been drawn to ancient grandmothers, mothers, and this is my time of year to make sure I have at least one around me. Would you like one?
