Sunday, December 27, 2020

Preparing to Set 2021 Intentions




Perhaps this ending of a horrible year is the most important of any other New Years that I know of.  We sense a great gnawing need for change.  We see the changes in ourselves, negative or positive, and we may be vowing to make a change to the more positive, the less negative.  Many of us will make New Resolutions that we have no hope in keeping and will be done by the end of the month.  It would be easily done to feel less than resolute as so much is out of our control.  We can only make changes in self.

I ‘Intend” to maker changes in self. I have the time and space.  We all do!  I thought ahead and obtained some essence oils to help make impressions multisensory.  In order to be reminded, in an olfactory way, I will use the oils that promote remembrance and change.  For instance, on January 1st, I will put a dot of Bergamot oil on the surface of my day planner.  Every time I sit in front of my computer, that smell will remind me that I Intended to make such and such change.  (Bergamot oil attracts success.)  You would think that, being retired, being restricted, would mean I do not need a datebook.  Old habits die long.  I have always kept a day planner (a teacher’s guide to life) and it is always full.  I have chosen, lately, to keep a small one for my purse that I can add those things I want, need, must do, wish to do, when the moment inspires.  On the beginning of each page, I write what I intend to do that month.  I have pretty stickers, tiny notepads, and my page becomes a 3D tome of the remainders of my moths and days.  Eventually, the spiral bound day planner will become my future art journal because the pages are sturdy and ready to work magic upon.  Before I turn it into an art journal, I read it all and am reminded of my reminders, for I am, at best a moderate procrastinator. 

Considering make Intentions, will set your Ego/Lizard Brain/Evil Inner Witch off.  You may feel restless, your sleep patterns may be off ( due to covid restrictions, they say), you may feel anxious and down, you may be overthinking and that EIW may have you to note negative energies more quickly.    I am sure you have heard the age-old myth about salt being a negative energy remover (throw salt over your shoulder, etc.).  I will be showing you how to make a salt bowl to symbolize the removal of negative energies in the first week of January.  I have been smudging with assorted smudging materials, and I have an altar. (More on this in January, as well).  I will be showing you how to make a salt bowl to help remove negative energy in the first days of January.

So, let us begin this new year cycle in ways that we are more resolute in working on self (setting intentions) to change the energy that we send out into the ether.  I am with you!

©Carol Desjarlais 27.12.21




  1. That sounds like I would like to know more about the salt bowl. Great

  2. I will be doing a blog about it soon. I have sculpted a container so , when it air dries, I will share how I made it and what to do with it. xoxo
