Sunday, June 9, 2019

Walk in love and beauty

"Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world, no matter what you look like." Unknown

There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who will turn to embrace her friend who sorrows.  There is nothing more of love than a woman who stoops to kiss the hurt of a child.  There is no beauty but the beauty of a woman who meets each person on her journey with the look of pure love.  I have met beautiful.  I have met the most best-dressed, well made-up, well heeled who has the look of spite upon her face.  We can never afford the karma of looking at another woman, any woman, and 'throwing shade' at her.  Every woman we meet is more beautiful for her authentic ability to love and ask why of another woman's plight.  With each meeting there is love and blessing for the lesson they bring to us.  

Our confidence is radiates with beauty and love for a sister in dire straits and knowing, but for the grace of Creator go we.  Our downfall is that we forgive one another for we do not know what travails have been upon each other, what courage it took to stand before us, what desperate things caused us to be who and what we are.  We cannot find fault or criticize each other where love reigns.  

There is beauty in the mirror's reflection when we look at ourselves and know our uniqueness not our flaws.  There is love in all who can look in our mirror and see that we have accomplished waking up in the morning with new hope and fresh beginnings.  Let us be love and support, and, therefore, beauty.

There is beauty in bracing each other however we brace.  There is beauty and love in a woman who will stand below any negative energy that is sent raining down on them and bears them with love for those that might be the storm before her.  

There is love and beauty in women who share the light of their candle in someone's dark night of the soul.  By sharing and caring do we define our beauty. There is beauty and love in a woman who can stand in her own light and darkness and love both about herself and therefore love that about other sisters.  

Be proud of yourself so you can have pride in other women.  Surround yourself with the love and beauty of other women.  It is all in the eye of the beholder.  Love and be compassionate for yourself so you have nothing but love and compassion for others.
Appreciate, cherish, honor, respect and treasure yourself so you can do so for other sisters.  What love you give to the smallest and least, give to yourself so that that beauty radiates from you.  Find ways to value each other and be around those of value so that you inherit that beautiful worthiness.

Choose to be a contented woman, who radiates joy and gratitude towards others.  Speak to each other with words that are filtered through your heart, not your hurt.  Listen to your sisters so that you might hear what is truly the treasure in them, as it is in you.  See what gratitude comes when you truly feel intoxicated by the love of one another.  Taste the fruits from the garden of older sister's wisdom.  Smell the fragrance of beauty that comes from the sisters who blossom in spite of rain. Sense what beauty there is in you that draws women to you as if you were Eternal Mother.  There is nothing more beautiful or loving a walk than that in the company of sisters who adore each other.

There is beauty in being of service to other women.  There is love in the heart of a woman who would give her all to be with, to support, to care for another sister.  Who are we without the gaze of a beloved sister?  Who are we that we would not gaze at every woman on earth as if she were the answer to our prayers.  That is a walk in beauty and love.  Be that!

©Carol Desjarlais 6.9.19


  1. The power of woman is timeless, how many times have I seen this? I pray to be patient forever Our physical beauty dims, but our hearts must remain tender. kind and generous , this is the power of women . Lean on each other if we must Hugs.

  2. Yes, for sure. I am tired. Just plain tired of my wearing out body. Patience is huge and hard to be when you know you have no time for it. A tender heart, yes, towards people, places and things. Seems hard things can come a mile a minute sometimes. Yes, we lean and it has to be reciprocal. Life would have us be tender I think.
