Thursday, June 6, 2019

Juno: A Rough Month

"When I am in a bad mood and have had a really awful day, don't come in my face because I am not tolerant and I am not a goddess; I can't handle it after a point. I am going to get up, and I am going to scream, and I am going to say bad things to you." - author unknown

The month of June is all about the Queen Juno, the Roman Queen.  Juno is in close gathering with Hera, the Greek Goddess of June.

Hera was the jealous wife, cursing others, and very vengeful. Hera was the protector of women and children, kind, graceful, and all things good, including being a warrior for all the right things.  Both were/are jealous goddesses, though.  Juno is absolutely loyal and will have your back when she sees wrong done to you.  She will cause you to rise from your dignity and grace and be quite ferocious in your warrioring.  Hera was mostly bitchy and not one with a lot of grace and dignity.  Hera is the whiny bitching, and Juno is the roaring bitching.   We can be both, right?  Both gathered up others to join in on the fray.  Are we so different?

June will be the month of strengthening relationships, or not.  Remember, there are two sides to this.  It is difficult to be a woman these days.  The societal thing that raises the bile in my throat are the new laws about women's bodies that are going on across the border.  How dare they!  And how do we not rise as one and counter this privileged white man's thought about owning our body and making laws regarding it?  Sometimes we need to crawl out of ourselves and let our shadow side's rebel.  I am turning 72 and my rising can be pretty fierce. 

I love women who get from their inside contemplations to those who develop a community of like-minded sisters to make the world an easier place to be.  We are teacher/learners in this.  I wish to share our stories;  our bright light selves and , yes, our shadow selves.  I wish the group that come here to be empowered not enabled.  We need to love and learn from each other.  It is what I wish this community of sister-friends to be able to see; we are okay!; we are enough!;  we are good!  I love learning about women and I love sharing some thoughts I have about such.  Juno and Hera speak to such and yes, we need to honor that shadow self in order to truly know ourselves.  Be us safe, here!  Be us sharing.

Ok, enough with the nice.  Let's consider some of our shadow sides.  Juno was a warrior.  I think we all need to be warriors today.  We war against our own body because, as we age, it lets us down, day by day.  We war about thoughts and things we read about, see, hear, and feel.  We feel; oh, God, don't we feel.  And our spirits rise every morning when we do.  It needs respite and rest as much as all other of the four aspects of being a human being.  We war against so many things.  Some things you just cannot ignore.  I war against family violence of all kinds.  I was against inequalities.  I tend to war against authority figures who do not deserve respect.  I could go on but the list can be pretty extensive.  Jealousy is not typically one of my ways of warring, but, I am sure, in the past, I knew this shadow.  I think I have lost so much, walked away from so much, that I do not fear losing like I used to.  Perhaps that is an age thing.

Juno teaches us about jealousy.  Jealousy is not envy.  I think I envy, but try to dis-empower that in myself.  I have to watch my Evil Inner Witch because she tends to see something she would like and that causes envy.  Jealousy, I think, is when we fear losing something we already have.  Jealousy can be active resentful thoughts and actions, I think.  When I work on my insecurities, I know that nothing is mine...nothing...and that to lose something means I no longer needed it.  Jealousy gives power to others.  Envy is more within.  Jealousy means we have work to do on our personal power.  Juno can be a hard task master when it comes to forgiveness, as well.  She blesses us with the capability of knowing forgiveness so we can forgive others.  As long as we do not forgive others, we will never be able to truly forgive others for our own type of things to be given.  That was an epiphany for me.  Rather than being vindictive, we should look within to ask why we feel intense emotions of jealousy.  I guess, now looking at it, I do not like to feel a sense of being put down and am , I think, in a way, jealous that life goes on, merrily, for those I might think do not deserve it and I do.  Dang!  Possessiveness, too!

Ok, now I will look at birth signs and see how negative Juno affects each of us.

I am definitely a Leo on the cusp of Cancer.  I can feel humiliated by others without them ever meaning for me to feel that.  I own my feelings, however warped.  When I see others getting acknowledgement for their roar, I guess I do feel jealous of that.  I want it too but won't ask for it.  Perhaps it is a warped sense of deservedness.  If others downplay what I am saying, or disregard me, yes, it saws start a small roar. 

The Cancer in me wants to be taken care of this month.  It has a Cancer craving attention and belonging... all month long!

A Pisces in the influence of Juno will ache at not feeling they are not soulful enough.  They might loosen their boundaries during this month.  They will ache for spiritual things.  A call out to Juno might steady the Hera in self this month. 

An Aries will feel jealous, during this month, when they feel their self-confidence is lacking, but will, most likely, blame that on others rather than own it themselves.  An Aries will resent injustice this month, as well.  Sometimes an Aries will feel jealous that others get ahead and they are not.  Watch yourself this month.

A Sagittarius will be jealous of strong voices and people with more freedom than they feel they have.  Sagittarius craves confidence and truth and will demand truth-telling this month. 

Capricorn will feel a sense of not having enough authority.  You will be highly ambitious this month.  You will be a dreamer and sense false security in relationships.  It can be disheartening.

Taurus wants to feel more worthy, this month.  A sense of inferiority might give rise to jealousy.  You will resent others trying to define you.  You are looking for love, compassion, adoration.  It can be chaotic, and you can be 'bull-headed' about it if you let it be. 
An Aquarian, in June, under the influence of Juno, may lose sight of the future.  Aquarians must really watch decisions, with an eye on alternatives and, mainly, consequences.  She neither wants drama nor does she want chaos in relationships and will rebel at the insinuation.  She will feel quite valued in every way and may not receive it to the amount she wishes.  Watch out for this.  Relationships end due to less. 
Goodness, Virgo sisters, you will reset messy things and will move into jealousy if other people have their ducks in a row better than you.  You want organization;  demand organization, this month.  You expect promises to be kept no matter what the reason.  You will have your best laid plans thwarted, to your chagrin.  You will be jealous of others who tend to not seem to work to keep their ducks in a row.  Other people will seem to have more of it all than you do.  Jealousy could most possibly be a slow burn this month.
Libra's under the influence of Juno may realize their lives are just not in balance; including relationships. You want to feel equal to others.  You will quite crave that this month.

Scorpio sisters will want more intimacy that you see others have.  Sometimes you will feel possessive and then vengeful if that is not met in relationships.  You will never resort to whining, you will move straight into vengefulness if you do not watch for it.  Watch your 'obsessiveness' this month.

Those of you who are Gemini, will wish to have better communication from yourself and from others.  You will want others to be curious about you and you wish to be able to communicate that all in better ways.  You know your story is enviable and worth sharing and perhaps others might not be as receptive of that this month.

I know we all need to watch our warrior selves this month.  Yes there are positives, but, right now, her influence can be heavily on the negative aspect of jealousy for this month.  Bless us all to find the positives, to feel worthy, to feel wanted, to feel necessary, to have purpose other than just in ourselves.  You may be driven to be your purpose.  Do that in all the positive, compassionate, ways.  Be okay with not having it noticed or given.  I, for one, in writing this, am realizing that jealousy has many forms and I do not want to be a vengeful person because of it.  No, no, no, to moving into the feeling of being P.o.'d at people because you do not think they act towards you as you feel they should.  This month might be well spent more alone and considering that shadow side of Juno. 

©Carol Desjarlais 6.6.19

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