Friday, June 21, 2019

Litha's Equinox

 “He who sleeps on the shortest night shall sleep all year,” -Folklore

Litha's brightness and warmth makes potent our body, mind, heart and soul.  Everything is seductive.  All things are seductive.  There is sweet honey on the rise.  There are vegetables burgeoning within leafy promises.  Heat of mid-noon leaves us all begging for drink.  Our forests are brittle ready for a fire, again, this year; maybe more so as we had not enough snow this year.  

The sun and fire transform things.  Things burn to ash to be reborn. Midday, we may be brought to our knees, faint with need, only to rise come cool of night.  Strong Sun moon, Strawberry Moon, all is pregnant with potential, even us.
Litha's animals; the butterfly, the bee, the wren, the robin, the snake rules just now and may show up in your life, or in your dreams.  There are messages there for you, should they do so.  

Wear red, wear gold, and wear orange yellow and green, to reflect the beauty of this equinox.  Wear amber, wear tiger's eye, and wear jade and emerald.  Burn sage, burn cedar, use lemon oil, pine and rose water.  Gather lavender and surround your sleep with such.  Gather what you can of beech, of elder, of holly, of laurel, linden and oak.  Gather sticks and woods to burn a blessing pyre.  Send gratitude up with the smoke of your gratitude for such bounty. Pray, sing, dance for the transformation it will take, just now, for your healing. 

And there are equinox waters.  Go to the water and place an offering.  Decorate surrounding woods with ribbons.  Place bouquets in and around your house.  Speak to the blossoms.  Let them tell y9ou of beauty in such heat.  

In the morning after equinox, stand in the sunrise and the sunset and put your crystals out for charging.  Let the energy chakra of your soul be charged as well.  You may need the strength soon.

Light candles in your home and in your surrounding area.  Keep one candle burning for the whole day today.  Love the masculine energy that we all carry and learn the medicines that go towards this healing.
Tie ribbons as necklace, make amulet of your totems, and make tobacco ties to hang from the trees full of prayers for the coming harvest and personal harvest that is promised.

Make paper boats and sail them out into a lake, down a river, into the ocean.  Let your prayers and gratitude float with them.  Make an outdoor feast, a picnic, take a sack lunch and sit out in nature and et and be grateful.  

Litha will sing and eat and dance and pray with you.  Listen for her songs.

©Carol Desjarlais 6.21.19

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