Saturday, June 15, 2019

Practice Great Generosity

“Generosity is not in giving me that which I need more than you do, but it is in giving me that which you need more than I do.”Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam

This is truly a thought-provoking quote.  I know we try to be generous but to refine it to a brilliant core, really helps the idea of generosity to a diamond core.  First we have to know what it is that we need and fulfill that within ourselves, or we can never be of any generous worth to others.  It goes beyond the silly things like, I need my nails done, I need a hair appointment, I need a new dress, I need....  those things of vanity are not needs.  The needs we have go soul deep.  The needs of others are just as deep.
Think of ways that you truly, deeply, need people, places, and things.  Then go out and seek someone who needs those very things. You know the depth of need and so you will recognize it in the eyes, the face, the aura of those around you that need the same things.   

If we learn to receive, we can give.  Women seem to disparage asking for help with things.  I guess we are set up to think we should be all, do all, on our danged own.  If you need help, give that very help to another and watch karma do its work. It is NOT weakness to ask for help if you have given it.

Sometimes we need help in finding our joy amidst the whack and twack that life can be.  Sometimes the only joy we have is turning to help others.  This week, I have sunk into mild depression because one thing hit after another.  I try to placate myself without it being comfort food.  I have painted, I have cooked, I have watched Netflix, but I tend to still feel vulnerable to Life.  I have been worrying at level 10/10.  But, trying to distract myself has helped.  Keeping too busy when my head is swimming from storms does no good.  But, making some pita bread and sharing it, being grateful to others, even at a higher level than necessary, has helped.  Trying to remain calm and keep my head clear, helps.  Turning outside ourselves for Joy when joy does not reside within, is a good activity to just help us get through.  Being kind to self is generosity.  It does not mean to pamper self.  It means to find that core strength and peace and dignity that counts.

We all know what it feels like to be burdened.  Trying to psuh the gnaw of need away by seeking those who are dragging their own burdens behind them, and helping to lift their load is one of the greatest ways to forget about how hard up you might be.  One is of no help if you feel the victim, or feel resentful because you might be giving too much. The mememememe thoughts are of no use to the greater good.  Detaching from energy-sucking people, places and things, may sometimes be a generous activity to both you and the other person.  Being generous with what we have to give, that costs nothing, that has paybacks we cannot imagine, is where we ought to be.  We have to dump our self-pity and find ways to be self-generous so we can turn and give a knowing helping hand to another that might be going through what we are. 
Women feel like it is a sin to do nice things for ourselves and have been trained to think that it all must go out to others.  Not all; but we should give more than we receive.  Giving is part of the human genetics.  Think how Mother Earth gives.  Think how the forests and the birds and the animals give.  Are we any less responsible to give?  Giving is a web.

Ego does not enjoy giving.  Ego is all memememe, take, take, take.  Ego is wanting more than we deserve.  Our soul says we need no payback for it is in the joy of giving that blessings return.  We put up walls and boundaries that keep everything out.  We need to make sure that our Ego has not built such high walls that we cannot receive.  Soul knows no boundaries in generosity.  It feels good.  It should feel way better to receive than to give, if the soul gift is right.

At some point we must drop the mantle of Ego.  We must see abundance as those things money cannot buy.  We must lay down our 'better than yours' attitude and realize we have no idea of the soul energy a gift from us might hold.  We need to stay connected to the web.  If we are connected to the web, it is a given that we must be community-minded and give and receive bounties there are.

Recognizing the gift of receiving is as important as the gift of giving.  We are connected to all of creation.  Remember, we were the last thing created.  All things above us need to be recipients of our generosity.  Staying connected to all things in the web of life is imperative.  Do not let Ego tell you you are not.  Giving to others is giving to ourselves. 

Oh, I wish to continue to be a generous spirit.  I mean well.  I know I am blessed in return. No matter how little I have left; of physical, intellectual, emotional or spiritual wealth, I have something to give.

What does generosity mean to you?  What can you give to others?  What physical generosity, what intellectual generosity, what emotional generosity, and/or what spiritual generosity do you have to share?

©Carol Desjarlais 6.15.19

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