Monday, June 10, 2019

Trust the knowledge that comes through the Body

Let Them Not Say

Let them not say:   we did not see it.
We saw.

Let them not say:   we did not hear it.
We heard.

Let them not say:     they did not taste it.
We ate, we trembled.

Let them not say:   it was not spoken, not written.
We spoke,
we witnessed with voices and hands.

Let them not say:     they did nothing.
We did not-enough.

Let them say, as they must say something:

A kerosene beauty.
It burned.

Let them say we warmed ourselves by it,
read by its light, praised,
and it burned.

Our perceptions come from past experiences, some come from information from others, some is pure logic (our logic).  But, when we look at things through what we see, how we feel (they feel to the touch), how they sound, how they taste, what we hear, we are better prepared to know things.  It is very unique. It is easy to say, 'I know what you mean!"  But, we cannot know that.   Knowledge through our own senses is our only truth.  Anais Nin said it best:  “We do not see the world as it is. We see the world as we are.”

When we think we KNOW things, we only know our version of things.  Time and time again, we think we know:  time and time again, we know nothing except what WE think we know.  There is no one absolute truth, ever. 

I think I have written, earlier, about telling ourselves our story and then living it to try to make it true.  We have to really look at what we tell ourselves as truth.  It is only OUR version of truth.

How often have we realized that we have interpreted something someone said, did, as truth and found out later, we were telling ourselves a story about someone else's truth? 

©Carol Desjarlais 6.10.19


  1. Life is our perception of such. Objective at best. Animals have many more senses than we. It is only possible to live for the moment as everything else can change . I wonder if we were given the earth to care for it?? Than is not happening so why then are we here?

    1. Yes, a blog, shortly, will give even deeper thought to stuff I just had not thought about. I know we were pout here to take care of each other and Mother Earth. And, no, we have not done a good job of it. I am saying "That is my story - that is there story' lately. xoxoxo
