Sunday, June 30, 2019

Empty Moments

I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.-© Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Hush, There Are Crows About

crick of crickets  harrumph beneath peonies
blossoms swooning from heat
petals parachuting in wildest winds
i take my love there

Litha tosses colors to four corners
prisms fractured by moonlight
crystallized dew weeps
rock hard diamonds delivered

so speak wren chicks hidden in lace
between shadows and moonstreams
under heavy humid sky

hush     i whisper
there are crows about

Juno delivered mighty blows
riding in on her dark horse
slither of snake in its greens and golds
dark stripe of hiss and curl

sage is stirred in air
by lift and loft of ether
to heighten hierarchy of moontime beings
a bumblebee moth makes spirals
in hopes of one last sip of nightime nectar

i rise and come here
hem of white gown stroked
by reflected Luna's luminescent lines
smocked with shades of another full moon
after moon after moon after moon

no bitter sip from sorrow's chalice
a seamed serenity around such wounds
as once felt ominous and growling urge
made silent by years of yearning still

i take my love here and there
where sings night serenades in choirs
when crows have nestled too high
to hear our veritable vulnerability

hush     there are crows about

©Carol Desjarlais 6//2019

We have gone through the poem, "The Invitation", section by section.  Has it caused thought and empowerment?

©Carol Desjarlais 6.30.19