Saturday, August 19, 2023

When The Soul Wants To Run Free



Sometimes we just simply feel like ‘running away’, somewhere, do something different, simply run wild.  The soul feels a longing to strike out, to break free, to feel the wind in our hair and the sun on our cheeks and be free.  Not of something specific.  Not somewhere far away.  Jus something within the soul needs to break out.

We do not want to live by authoritarian ways.  We do not want to fit a script; not ours and not anyone else’s.  We do not want to be ‘pigeon-holed’.  We do not want to be defined nor judged, nor criticized, nor put in our place.  We do not even know ‘our place’.  There is something about being free as children, free as nature, free to follow our true nature.

We want adventure.  We want passion.  We want newness.  We want to go back and be allowed to be free to be who we were meant to be, not who we were molded nor conditioned to be. 

We do not want to ‘behave’.  We do not want to be grace and dignity and faithful and/or anything other than raw, beautiful Self.  We do not want to be accepted.  We do not want to always say “yes”.  We do not want attention nor approval.  We do not want to be worried about our boundaries, nor setting them, nor having others abide by them. 

We want meaning.  We want to be curious, laughing sprites we once were.  We want to be able to express ourselves freely.  We want only to belong to ourselves.  We want out of toxic environments.  We want those who we are around to be as free as we wish we could be.  We want to be able to take risks, to learn from our own mistakes, not follow the lessons learned by others for others.  We want real joy.  We want peace and rest when we want peace and rest.  We want to trust ourselves first. 

We do not want to be ‘good’ and she wants to know who gets to define it.  She simply wants to be allowed to BE.  No ‘ifs’, ‘ands’, or ‘buts’.  We want our very ‘best’ life.  Is that too much to ask?

©Carol Desjarlais 8.19.23


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