Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Pipe Day, Aquarius, Waxing Gibbons Moon



The Sacred Pipe is the symbol for today.  It is a very holy symbol that is equivalent to sacrament when smoked with the indrawn smoke being the connection to Creator and the ascending smoke blown out being the communication from human to Creator.  Creator is not believed to be supernatural.  Creator is non-gendered spirit that is creator and what is created.  All things in nature are spoken to and considered relations and are addressed as such.  All created things are relations.  Tobacco is smoked and was given to the people before any other plant as a gift from Creator.    The pipe bowl and stem were part of first creation.  The pipe is considered essential to life.  The pipes are used by families for essentials of life.  Healings can be done with the pipe.  Requesting food is done through use of the pipe.  The pipe will be used any time there is need, of any kind, from Creator.

The moon is in Aquarius It is not a time to bother leaders, nor have meetings.  It is a time for quietly working on creations, to educate and to pass on education, and not anything for any kind of personal gain. 

The moon waxes Gibbons and the moon is using all it has to grow.  The Universal energy rises.  Watch things grow in your personal and spiritual levels when you remain quiet and watchful...Present to all four quadrants of your life:  physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.  If you must travel, do so in a leisurely fashion with as little disturbance to the earth as possible.  Do not get into drama, or you will be afforded emotional outbursts.  To disturb the growth of energy in all things will cause conflict. 

Those who carry pipes need to smoke.  All should be as quiet today, do things leisurely, sit and work on arts or crafts, without hurrying.  Stay Present and watchful rather than doing, today.

©Carol Desjarlais 8.29.23


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