Thursday, August 3, 2023

Looking Forward To August



Today, I have a wonderful adventure starting for this month.  I am teaching art classes for community members of the Splatsin.  I took some things to be juried and they loved all of them, but I am choosing to do Coaster Art.  They, also, chose for me to add in painting…and I have chosen the style of Morriseau with shapes and symbols, basic colors, and black outlining.  They were really happy with my samples and sample lessons.  I have been waiting for an opportunity to volunteer for something there.  Yes, I have volunteered as that is the way I have a sense of purpose through service. 

I am teaching four lessons through August and then, in September, they are having and art show and sale.  Some of the projects they are offering are amazing.  There is bullrush weaving, Vase art, Leather wall-hangings, macramé feather hanging, string art, red dress and orange shirt pins, Dream Catchers, beading, rock painting.   A flyer is going out to every house on the reserve.  We could have a hundred, we could have 50, we could, also, have 5 people, but on it goes.  I think it is a fabulous thing to be done for a community. 

I will post pictures of their Round House community building, that is beyond beautiful, where this will be held. It has a sod roof.   I will post photos of ongoing projects.  What a lovely month this is going to be. 

©Carol Desjarlais 8.3.23


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