Sunday, August 20, 2023

Ancestral Influences



I read somewhere that we can be influenced by the ancestors ‘below our feet;’.  What an epiphany this is to me.  Perhaps I knew this, but I had not given it much thought, but as this new moon lies in Libra, I am contemplating such. 

The devastation we are experiencing as Mother Nature cleanses herself is a tragedy for people, places things, wildlife.  As the moon waxes in Libra, we need to get things completed.  Trying to stay understanding during duress is hard work right now.  There is a complexity in decision-making and trying to stay positive needs to be a priority as we develop deeper compassion for all things affected by this season of our duress. Staying focused and not trying to avoid the negatives has to be our work:    Work of the spirit and not of the body.   It is Sunday and there are so many who have fire-fatigue in all the aspects of individual reactions to this devastation.  Today needs to be a day of rest, not for any other reason than it was labelled so by some.  Those who can, must take respite.  There is a strong need for balance in order for us to all work together, however we can, to alleviate the suffering of others…to achieve harmony during tragedies.  Today’s symbol for the day is the Tree of Knowledge.  Try to find the balance between ourselves and those around us during this time.  I am experiencing this right now.

If you have pyrrhotite, carry it on you, have it around you.  It is a stone that carries a flow of its own energy and that can be transferred to us and can alleviate our fears so that we can seek personal resolutions to heavy stresses. 

Our Evil Inner voice/ Ego will always want us to have everything be about us.  We need to stand strong and do what we can for others.  Try to not fill our time in the company of others any more than you have to, yet, go out and be of service to others.  Stay spiritually concentrated and reactive.  This is not the time for us to respond to our own triggers.  Our sense of impatience and even deep-seated anger can erupt if we do not stay concentrated on the need of others before our own.

I believe that we can be influenced by the ancestors ‘below our feet;’.  They, too went through the burnings of their lands.  We can either pick up their hope, faith and charitable reactions or we can pick up their fear, their darkness’s, their hopelessness or despairs that can either motivate us or stop us in our tracks.  Human beings have not survived because they froze.  Their perils were far greater than ours.  Their vulnerabilities were far greater than ours.    They went on, solved problems as they could and when they could, and they found ways to carry on or we would not be here for our experiences and our possibilities we have today.  We are those who will be ancestors in times that come.  What influences will we lay in the ground with us? 

I think this is incredibly deep but important.  What will I leave behind?  What will I bequeath those of mine who come after me?  What will emit from my cells that will influence my progenies in future times.  What will the energy, that was once me, add to the ether?  We have no idea how difficult life may become in the future.  I want to leave hope, strength, tenacity, and belief that others\ needs are more important than mine.  I hope to leave particles of purpose being to serve others, to be compassionate, to set boundaries that lead to my being more productive and peaceful.  I am determined to contemplate these things during this harrowing time.  I intend to work on these things in myself.  I want to remain sensitive to the world around me; both the negatives and the positives.  I hope to leave the ability to keep their hearts open even when heartbroken, heart-heavy or life gets tough so that they might carry on what I might not achieve in my lifetime. 

During this new moon, dark times, may we consider that our energy will carry on and consider what we might develop to emit when such happens. 


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