Friday, August 25, 2023

Body Language




A very little percentage of communication is verbal.  There is tone.  There facial expression.  There is body language, eye contact, and intent,  Intent and the emotion behind words such as pride, ecstasy, bitterness, guile, and all the emotions are implied through body language.

Dr. Emoto did an experiment to examine the effect of words and intent effected molecular structure.   Our bodies are 70% water.  No wonder communication is so important. 

If you have ever played the whisper game, you know how communication can get completely changed going through different people and them misunderstanding what is said. No wonder words hurt.  Imagine what it is doing to our molecular structure goes through with our negative self-talk.

The energy of language of love, passion, compassion, hate, anger is all accepted through the very waters of our body.  Some people are more in tune than others and they might feel a sense of being ‘talked down’ to.  The waters in one’s body talks to our brain and we get a sense , if we are in tune, that something is not right with what is just said, implied, and/or the intent of what is being said.

If we are constantly negative, our brain gets used to the emotions that language gives rise to.  In fact, it is said that we will create ways to feel that rush of chemicals from the waters of our body to our brain. (Drama Queens, for instance. Or people who come to falsely believe they are not good enough and live that out). 

We must remember the way we speak, the tone, the intent, to others.  We must be very aware of our negative self-talk.  We can change things by simply doing morning empowerment phrases stuck on our mirror, on the next page of our art journal if we are morning journalists.  We have to start every day with some positive thoughts in some way.  Thoughts actually change our lives.  We can fall into a pattern of negative self-talk or we can rise into our positive self-talk. 

Let’s find a way to start every morning with something that speaks positivity to us.  In the group, let’s all try adding one positive message of some kind.

©Carol Desjarlais 8.25.23



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