Saturday, July 9, 2022




Shoshin:  “…meaning "beginner's mind." It refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions…” – Wikipedia

 If covid and the USA divisiveness, we should have learned a gret deal.  One thing, that divided us was opinions. We all felt right, wanted to be heard to say it, and we wanted everyone to think like us.  We shook our heads in wonder that others could be so “misled” and we were not.  It was a struggle and lot of bad feelings and dropped relationships because we just could not see their side of it.  As a mater of fact, I still feel that way about the USA but I have decided that they make their beds they can lay in it.  I sigh with my own knowing.  I feel irritated if I bump into a differing opinion to mine.  My girlfriend and I were talking and “why can’t everyone be right like us” type conversation came up…  we meant it as a joked and laughed about it.  But I think that is what happened over differing opinions about covid and the USA and, of course; how we can be so right about so many things.  It is tough to see another’s view when we are so passionate about our own.

Being receptive to new ideas is very important in our progression, maturity, and spirituality.  We can never know the all of everything, no matter how genius one might be.  `Our natural curiosity should be filled with trying new things and old things in new ways. Being opened minded affords you the opportunity to learn new ways of seeing things.  The more you experience, the more you mature and grow, spiritually ( do not read “religiously”).  Being open-minded means that you will have new questions to seek answers too.  You will never stagnate and get stuck in one place and cycle.  This is resilience at its best.  You will learn about your own biases and stereotyping.  Open-mindedness affords you the opportunity to have humility.  Humility affords you the opportunity to be respectful. 

Cultivate a receptive way of being.  Being open-minded cultures would change the world and it would be noticed immediately.  When we are challenged for our point of view, it gives us the opportunity to grow and know what our soul really knows…we cannot know everything!

Let us all cultivate open-mindedness.  If even one person changes, the world changes.  Shoshin and Blessed Be!

©Carol Desjarlais 7.9.22


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