Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Not Worth Fearing



“You are mortal in everything you fear and immortal in everything you desire”Seneca

You are mortal in everything you fear.

We are so afraid of death that we have trouble saying someone has died.  We say: 

passed away, passed on, passed

We say:

Gave up the ghost, kicked the bucket

We say: demise, deceased, departed

We say:

Gone, lost the battle, lost their life, slipped away, gone to heaven

We say: 

Lost, lost their life, succumbed

We say: 

Resting in peace, eternal rest, is in eternity, asleep

It typically takes a long time to say:


We say anything other than what has happened:

Departed. lifeless, faded away, declined, deteriorated, expired, checked out, croaked, ended, exited, expired, perished, passed on, succumbed., went to meet your maker, gone to Jesus….

We fear death.  Sime will say they fear HOW they die.  Even being religious does not give much true comfort.  Sometimes, the stronger the belief in a religion, the stronger they fear death.  As we age, there seems to be evidence that the elderly fear death less.  Y own mother, in her late 90s wanted death.  She fussed over those who died younger than she was.  She questioned what good she was to the world like she was.  I am pretty sure she prayed for it. 

Most of the elderly family and friends, who did not die, suddenly, craved release.  Many elderly accept death which is seen as release. I have a sense that there is a sense of acceptance finally, and inevitability.  Sometimes pain supersedes fear. 

Our fear of death can take away the serenity of dying; the grace.  It makes us not share our aging process authentically.  Our fear keeps us living with past regrets and mistakes over and over.  We have been conditioned to fear death because of judgments and we know we have not been perfect (ever not enough) and we ruminate over past wrongs and ways we have been wronged.  Yes, we fear not going to that heaven where there is peace and joy and our family.  So, what can we do to extinguish the fear?

I had a near-death experience that changed my whole view of deth.  I do noit fear it.  I have blogged about it before but the first stage of our journey forth into the spirit world is the ost beautiful thing I have ever experienced; multi-sensory peace.  And, I was conscious of having a choice to go or come back.  I chose to come back and raise my babies.  Anyone I know who has had such an experience, no longer fear death. 

I know that we have no idea when the Time comes.  Without accidental death, the elders tell us, we only have so many heartbeats.  It is why we should be peaceful and not let stress make our heart race.  They also remind us that living today for all it is worth is important.  We need to do what we are passionate about.  All human beings are born to die.  Bottom line.  And, there is nothing, not even fear, that can be done about that.  I know that we have an energy that leave the body when we die.   I held my father’s hand as he took his last breath and felt the charge of his spirit leaving him go right up my arm.  There is something more.    Both experiences gave me a sense that there is nothing to fear.  I remember to celebrate my life every day.  Today is all we have.  Celebrate that.

Death is not worth fearing.

©Carol Desjarlais 7.13.22

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