Monday, July 11, 2022

Aching For An Absolute Adventure



“Adventure is not outside man; it is within.” ~George Elliot

One day bleeds into another these days.  My inner calendar is not working any more.  I cannot tell you the day of the week. Two plus years of monotony and it is broken.  It must be second nature to want adventure in one’s life.   I almost lost my adventurous spirit when, suddenly, without warning, it starts to brew:  What adventure can I do?

I began to crave things I cannot physically do.   I wanted to hike the mountains in southern Arizona.  I wanted to I wanted desert landcapes.  I wanted to work my way through trees and brush of our mountains here.  I wanted to go rock picking around Monte Lake.  I wanted to picnic.  I wanted to something…go sit by the Cherryville River where it bends around and creates a great swimming hole and I want to jump into the deep cool water.  I want to anything.

I want to meet strangers and hear their stories.  I want to canoe down a lazy river.  I want to start an adventure with no outcome in sight.  I want to lose this humdrum feeling of stale today and tomorrows.  I want stimulation of adventure to grab me like a hurricane and send me forth into something unknown and wonderful. 

Are you feeling logy?  Do you miss The Adventurous Life?  How do we get there from here?  How can I insert adventure into my daily plans?  What can we do to move out of our comfort zone?  Get online and learn something new to challenge your brain – be a lifelong learner.    Explore new genres on YouTube.  Read new books, for free, online.  Join new groups and explore your social settings that way.  Be creative.  Search and follow creative lessons online. 

Go outside and do something new on your balcony, in your little 9 x 9 plot of ground, in your backyard.  Create some sacred space with greenery and blossoms and lights and decorative markers.  Go for a walk and take a new route.  Pick a country you are interested in and do research on it.  Create a dream board about such.  Go to the water.  Seek out heart-shaped rocks... search out semiprecious gems.  Make a rock garden or rock display. 

Something fun I used to do with my kids was to go to a lake, a beach, that has a sandy beach.  Create water people coming out of the water, like making sandcastles, but we made mermaid-type people sculptures.  We imagined what people would think when they aw them.  Make up stories in your head about them. 

Have a yard sale.  OMG, I need a yard sale.  Go to yard sales.  Find different things to take home.  I love to pick up gardening and gazebo items to prettify up my sacred space. 

Search out topics on psychology and empowerment blogs.  Learn to say NO.  Find ways to be more of a gift to the world. 

Get to know your neighbors.  Organize a block party.  Bake some cookies and share them with neighbors.  We have been giving bees to two of our neighbors and are spending more time getting to know them.  We owe one young neighbor a great deal.  She plows our yard all winter.  She has been one of the recipients of a hive of bees.  She spends a great deal of time, since The Bee Man’s surgery, working with our bees and learning how to care for hers.  


Unleash your curiosity.  Your life is a story.  Keep it fresh.  Develop something you are passionate about.  Write a new bucket list.  I asked for some grinding pads to fit The Bee Man’s hand grinder and I am going to work on my rocks that are too large for my tumblers.  I am going to start an actual art journal where I do writing ( OMG my handwriting is bad because of neuropathy in my hands, but I shall persevere).  Make something about every day a day to remember.  Make something extraordinary every day.  Last night, I charged up “George”, my sourdough starter.  Today is going to be hot, so I am planning to bake my sourdough during the night tonight.  I have never done sourdough bread from scratch and Gracie gave me two small jars of starter that I have kept in the fridge until I have the time and inclination.  I am inclined.  I desperately need to keep thigs going.  I am not good at sitting in the puddle of muddle of mundane days. 

What can you do to change things up to make life more an adventure?

©Carol Desjarlais 7.11.22


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