Monday, May 30, 2022

Hera, Here We Are



**art journal collage


Here we are, honoring the Goddess of June (known as Juno to the Romans and Hera to the Greeks).  She is an influencer of womanly things; marriage, childbirth, children, and family.  She was often shown with a pomegranate or pomegranate seeds.  As well, she was depicted as being with cows, lion, and peacocks and her flower is the lily.  On the negative side, she was said to be in control of all things “sky” and could send mighty storms.  She influences us, as well, with both positive and negatives.  Befriending her can help you weather any storms.

She reminds us to set our eyes to the future with strong sense of purpose and to be bold about it.  Boldness is her most influence in our lives for this month and expect to meet your bravery. 

The best way to meet your bravery is to make sure you work hard on your self-esteem.  Also, make sure you are grounded (You might have had a sense of not being connected fully). The world needs heroes.  The world needs women to stand up and be that.  But, be careful, Hera’s story teaches us about being self-centered and narcissism.  Be the hero others need you to be.

You will feel stimulated to learn new things, to approach learning through communication, through being in groups of women.  Find groups that give you a sense of adventure.  That is until June 21st. 

On June 21st you will go through a period of being ultra sensitive. (Gemini’s fault as Cancer joins in the fray).   And then the moon, a supermoon, called “Strawberry Moon”, will come flooding in with a strength in feeling and dealing with emotions.   The “offside” is that you may have to relearn a lesson in decisions and consequences of such. 

Another Hera aspect is that you will be caused to use “Tough Love” and use it with a great deal of patience.  You need to check your boundaries and how well they are planted.  You will sense a serious energy around you, betimes, and feel restricted, again, but jut know it is a test to see how responsible and mature you are.  But, you will also feel lots of emotional energy and it is best to expend that by getting involved in some social activities when you can. 

This energy is a feminine energy and will make you feel sensual (not sexual, necessarily), but it will also, or make you very affectionate using affectionate language.  Be sure your boundaries are good and that you are sending out language that does not make you vulnerable. 

Hera has women multi-tasking successfully throughout the last of the month. You will find yourself ‘truth-seeking’.   To clear up any leftover unfinished things of May.  Do you need to make amends for something?  Do you need closure?  Seek those things.  Enjoy new beginnings with Hera.

But, most of all, be your beautiful creative self.  Be authentic with your creativity and seek your personal creative voice.  Make something beautiful.  As you see, I am practicing making flower balls in order to do them when my son and all his kids and grandkids come to the lodge where we will gather.  I will have my middle daughter’s beautiful teenage girls for the week.  We will be making these together.  We will go and shop for the flowers and the Styrofoam balls.  It will be a great creative project as we spend the week together.    

I will be away from home for ten days.  I will be driving 9 hours tomorrow to arrive in time to meet my son and his family from the US.  I have appointments with a Diabetes Specialist again and family doctor appointment and lab appointments.  But, I will have time to enjoy family.  I can hardly wait for tomorrow morning to get started on my way.  In that time, take care of each other, work on a day-planner for things to watch in June, and I will , hopefully, find my iPad at my daughter’s because I had to have left it there.  If I do, then I can get online and check in. 

Much love, beautiful heroes.

©Carol Desjarlais 5.30.22


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