Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Seeing With The Soul


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“Intuition is seeing with the soul.” Dean Koontz

I am sure you know that your intuition is your sixth sense.  It is a special gift, unique to women, for women, from the Divine Feminine.  The opposite of intuition is logic and our brothers were given more of the logical processes.  Patriarchy decided that logic was more valued and women tended to have much of their intuition extinguished.  But it is time to trust ourselves again. 

Minute by minute we spend listening to our Ego/our critical Inner Voice (what |I call my Evil Inner Witch as it chatters about fearing things, about how we are not god enough, how we should not try to understand things at a soulful level and how we should remain more logical.  We came to believe that intuition is something irrational, and a negative that made women too emotional. We lost the ease and confidence and grace that ‘knowing’ gift cloaked us with.  We hardly ever listen to our bodies, to our feelings, to our soul.  The upsurge in feminine awareness has begun to waken women and we are seeking ways to connect, to trust, our intuition again.  We are going from those moments we call ‘miracles’, we may call ‘extraordinary events’ where intuition has ‘saved’ us, has wakened us in the night, when we felt guided, to actually seeking the connection we were gifted with. 

We are learning to reconnect through yoga, through meditation.  Some are using cards, some journal writing, some intuitive art, and a myriad of other ways to reconnect that might be individualistic.  We are seeking symbols and meanings of symbols.  We are doing dream-analysis.  We might be smudging and researching.  Some are making up personal rituals.  Some are gathering in groups and doing ceremonies.  We are trying anything to reconnect to those moments of soul clarity.  It is as if something finally gave us permission to reconnect, that intuition is of great value, that intuition is a hidden gift that we are trying to resurrect.  We are hungry for that reconnection.

And it is there, as if it has waited all the centuries, hidden but not completely irradicated.  It takes merely opening the door to accepting that Divine Feminine Gift.  We are beginning to feel whole again.

We are learning to rest, to take less of the world and rely more on the spirit.  We are seeking quiet moments, and perhaps Covid has retaught us to be still.  We are becoming more sensual (not to be confused with sexual) in that we are becoming more aware of all our senses.  We are finding our voice above reason.   We are creating sacred spaces where we can go and let our soul rest from a wearing, worrying, world. 

We are doing less seeking of answers from without and learning to seek our answers from within.    We are learning to ask ourselves the deepest of soul level questions. And the answers are coming.  We are more at ease with ourselves.  It is said that women will be the healers of the wounded world.  How can we do that if we are only half ourselves?  Our connection to the Divine is what makes us more aware of ur own divinity and therefore we heal.  We heal from the inside out. 

I have many many instances where intuition has brought great epiphanies.  I have shared many in my blogging over the years.  I am sure you have stories about when your intuition came rushing in.  It is time for us to share those times, for, in sharing, we create a safety for others to become unafraid to share their own.  Consider those times that you may call many things, but, that you know were intuition.

Blessed Be.

©Carol Desjarlais 5.25.22


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