Friday, May 20, 2022

Who Does Your Soul Say You Are?




“The soul is the truth of who we are.” Marianne Williamson


 Goddess consciousness is alive and well in the world.  Women are being more conscious of their divine femininity.  Many only occasionally think of it.  I tend to think abut throughout every day and night.  When I gather, clean, slab my rocks, I make that connection to the ancients who may have been the last one to see a gem I have gathered.  I think of it al when I work in my rock garden.  I make those connections when I do intuitive paintings.  When I cook new recipes, I make the connection to the monthly theme (this last month was Beltane and we are in the cusp of June 19th Litha).   Throughout the day, now, I am conscious of making connections.  I feel most connected in Nature though.  I feel whole.

Perhaps it is the energy of the mountains and the trees.  It is the smell of Mother Earth in her rawest.  It is the touch to a crocus or newly minted buttercup.  It is the sound of birds flitting through the pines.  It is the taste of sweet unpolluted air.  It is the sight of the wild animals that show no fear right now.  And, at home, in my back patio area, I have brand new grandbirdbabies and I am waiting to hear them chirp.  Mother robin and Father robin are quiet.  There are crows and magpies about but they are right close to the side of the house so they are well-hidden.  And, I go out often and talk to them and tell Mother robin what a goo mother she is.  The father robin does not like me as much... he will swop at me down from the grape area and between the house and the tall junipers.  He never comes very close but comes right at me and then makes a 90 degree turn just before he gets to me.  I tell him he is just joking.  I am at peace outside.  Not only is Nature raw and real, but so am I.  I do a lot of thinking out there.

In nature, I am pure-hearted and the busyness off the world is not found there.  It is a place of repose and so my soul speaks to me there.  I thrive there.  I believe my soul is the authentic me.  Unadorned, stepping out into the deep night in my mismatched jammies, hair swathed to where my pillow left it, eyes blurry because I forgot to put my glasses on…and the sound of silence can be unsettling…the birds are sleeping and preparing their energy to pull back the night like plastic to let dawn in.  There, there is where I know my soul and my soul knows me.

Where does your soul speak to you?  Where do you speak to your soul?

©Carol Desjarlais 5.20.22


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