Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Reconnecting For The Sake Of Self Love



“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.” Rupi Kaur

The biggest part of knowing the Feminine within is to learn to have compassion for yourself.  Stop every now and then, for a moment and consider how you are feeling.  You have a right to feel, you have the right to your feelings, you have the right to honor your feelings.  Your feelings are from your most authentic self.  It is perfectly normal to feel vulnerable, to feel sadness, to feel angry.  All your emotions are gifts from the Creator.  We ct and react from the space and place of feelings, whether we are trying to hide them, or not.  Once you begin to understand the Divine Feminine within, you can begin to see how the six major Goddesses are expressed through you.  You are expressing the influence of Athena, of Aphrodite, of Persephone, of Artemis, of Demeter, and/or of Hera.  The following is a very skeletal explanation of these six major goddesses and how they influence your feelings.   

When you are feeling creative, feeling interested in the literary, in learning, and feeling like you ‘know’ things, it is Athena influencing you.   She appears in moments of contemplation.  She is influencing you when you are feeling conflicted about things of the world, of society, of life.  You might be ready to stand up for unfairness and injustices in the world and there is an Athena energy to it.  She is there when you feel one thing but express another, for instance, when you feel it is hard to live in a man’s world, but you are adjusting to show that you can live it well, in spite of it.  You are a warrior but you war with acceptance instead of rallying to a outcry of outrage.  You may ferel vulnerable, but you are willing to put one foot in front of the other and get through tough places and spaces. 

When you are feeling love or feel like you are attracting love from others, you are expressing Aphrodite.  When you are reflecting on loves or lover(s), you are under the influence of Aphrodite.  When you feel beautiful, it is her.  If you are in the act of creating, painting, poetry, music or architecture, you are under her influence. 

Persephone influence is felt when we are in a spiritual kind of mood.  She is who whispers to us of spiritual things.  When you are considering miracles, or dreaming vivid dreams, it is her.  It is Persephone who causes us to have spiritual epiphanies.  It is her who influences us when we are grieving.  When you feel profound loss, in any way, it is her influence.  She is there during sensations of trauma, of abandonments, even little losses. 

And there are times that we are under the influence of Artemis.  This happens when we are out in nature.  She influences us when we are searching nature for natural items, ie:  rocks, or wild flowers, or are hunting.  She is there during our childbirths.  She is there when we move into dance, into daily walks, and, when we are in the midst of emotional sacrifice(s).  She is influencing us when we are aware of spiritual guidance. (Important to note, not ‘religious’ guidances.  Hers is a natural state of spirit. 

Demeter is the most divine mother goddess.  She influences our stages of womanhood; physical changes.  She is the Goddess of Plants and their maturation stages.  She is an influence when shopping for food, when planting food sources, when harvesting.  She is the one who is influencing us when we care for our body, when we might diet, when we are nurturing our body.  She is walking with us when we feel changes in our body, when we contemplate aging and aging with grace. 

Hera is all about us in times of seeking power, in seeking to work on our relationships, our marriage, when we are driven ti lead in some way.  She is the Queen of family and is who we can turn to during times of seeking to build stronger connections with others.  She is one who speaks to us of Patriarchy and how we might feel about such. She can be a difficult goddess to deal with, as we all can be, during times of lack of communication and relationship problems.  She is a fixer and we are under her influence when we try to meet societal norms and fit, emotionally, into a man’s world.

Each of these Goddesses are our loyal companions.  We have been taught to repress anything that is not ‘religious’ standards and the Divine Feminine has curled in abandonment until we absolutely need them.  It should not be this way.  We need to recognize when we are under their influences.  Each are innate within us.  Each simply waits for us to call on them.  They have been working in the background, perhaps without our knowledge, but are surely at work every moment we breathe.  What we have forgotten is that we can call on them for their specific guidances.     Our longing is that need for connection with them.  We try to fill those voids with other things, but none holds.  We continue to long.  Something will always feel ‘lacking’, we will feel that we re NOT Enough.  We will feel abandoned amidst our beloveds.  We will feel fear and vulnerability because we may feel it is us against the world.  We can nurture their influences through gratitude, through getting to know even a little bit about, or a little more, so w recognize who it is that influences us at certain times.  Although we may have forgotten, they have not forgotten us.  The live within us at all times and it is they who may be whispering to us when we feel most emotional.  We have forgotten we can call on them to help us solve emotional problems and help us find solutions.   

Tune into your feelings, whether they are at high emotional stress but moreso, when you simply stop and ask yourself what you are feeling now, in a present moment.  See if you can tell what goddess you are under the influence of.  Begin to let the divine Feminine to flow through you, begin to ask for a goddesses help.  Begin to show gratitude for whoever is influencing you.  If you want a stronger connection, do some research and learn more about who, what to ask for, how to show gratitude for.  Be a lifelong learner about emotional and spiritual things in our vies.  Invite the goddess to be of more influence, to guide you through things, and honor her through making an altar that you change, seasonally, or whenever you are in need for the influence of one of the goddesses.  I will blog just beginning ideas for the rest of the month.  It will not be as detailed since, sometimes, we need to do our own work to know more.  I hope you have enjoyed the beginning posts about the goddesses and hope it inspires you to know more.

©Carol Desjarlais 5.17.22


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