Tuesday, May 24, 2022

By Any Name We Call It: Karma Just IS



Manu Dharma Shastras 11.54 states, "Penances, therefore, must always be performed for the sake of purification, because those whose sins have not been expiated are born again with disgraceful marks."


For every effect, there is a cause; for every cause, there is effect.  Yet, it is said that there is no good or bad, there is Just Is.  Even a negative thought will rebound and so… I am in big trouble.  According to Buddhism, all thoughts and actions are accountable… we ARE accountable and we make the final decision where there is balance.  I did not grow up with Buddhism, but I have decided that the idea of Karma’s blessings or repatriation is Universal.  We just use different words.  Whatever happens, either positive or negative, is karma… for every action is a reaction.  I work hard to try to keep a balance...that is, in my own mind…  whomever is in charge of karma is a strict keeper of the negatives and positives because the keeper of the karma sees all as a whole picture, not as singular actions/reactions. 

I love one idea that I read somewhere, at some time:  A negative action towards someone does not mean a tree is going to fall off you, it means that no one will help pull the tree off.  As I understand it, Karma has to do with natural consequences… eventually what you do to others you do to yourself and you will know karma by how related it is to the original action.

Everything we do creates a memory.  And a memory can have us seek another positive outcome or avoid a negative outcome.  The more positive you do, the more grateful you will be when that positive returns to you I some way.  We carry karma, it is said, from one lifetime to the next.    Negative actions, on our part, will come back as a lesson to learn in the next lifetime.    I spend a great feal of time looking at patterns in my life.  In those patterns are the negative memories or the memories of negative things I have done.  Some of us can get stuck on those memories.  No sense being stuck and rehashing everything negative you have ever done and you can remember.  Karma Just Is!


I have also, lived with the idea that we have to look at the WHY of things, not just the action itself.  I have to remember to think things out as far as I can, on things that seem to haunt me.  There are always consequences…always.  We are responsible for all our actions and reactions…AND Our Karma. 

I might think I got away with something because I did not think I received some negative karma in payment right away…but, no, it isn’t just THIS lifetime it can come back around.  Same goes for my waiting for karma to happen to someone I know and never seem to see karma bite his butt over what I knew, saw, experienced.  No sense waiting for it during this lifetime (bitterness, retaliatory, me).  It happens when it happens.  I can live positively and expect it, or I can live negatively and fear it. 


If we look forward to the future with a sense of adventure, and, in loving a life where we give out all the kindness and love we can, then we can expect such love in return.  If we live a negative life, we can expect more of it.  unless we change…Except if we receive an epiphany and we get a chance to change things up.  Some lessons I do not ever want a ‘do over’, as I continue to want better outcomes. 

What is your understanding of Karma?


©Carol Desjarlais 5.24.22



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