Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Drawn to Sister Hare/Symbolic Teachings




It was almost an obsession, to find a life-like Hare for my rock garden.  I have never wanted a Hare for anything before.  Then, I remembered my teachings. There is a reason to be so focused on an animal.  Every animal has a psychological/symbolic attribute, or attributes, that we need at the time we get focused on them.  And the Hare, of course, has such and I am in need of the teachings of the Hare for some reason.


Sister Hare is not sister Rabbit, although they are closely related. Sister Hare has larger ears and back legs. Sister Hare likes her solitude and does not nest like Sister Rabbit.  Her babies are so tough that they can go it on their own a few hours after birth.

Within her symbolism is the belief by some Native American tribes that she has an important role in their Creation Stories.  Many cultures believe the same and so she is an important symbol to do with procreation. Sister Hare, as in the story of the hare and the tortoise, does not have a great deal of patience.  She is swift and diligent and tough to hut because she has those powerful muscles in her back legs.  She can certainly be a challenge in many ways.  She is strong, yet, she is sensitive and artistic.  She is known for virtue but she can also be greedy, selfish, and a bit of a trickster.   All the cultures that have stories about her speak to her cleverness, sometimes in negative ways.  Sister Hare can, also, be unreliable since she may have a bit of self-centredness.  


As I consider the symbolisms, and am wondering why I am so drawn to the Hare, there is a reason she has shown up.  She is here to teach me, and, I, a seeker for answers as the why I am drawn to do/feel/think the things I am, am here to learn lessons she has to teach me about myself.     

 When you consider how she moves she is here to remind me that I can move through life, right now, and change directions and lope through life.  Perhaps need to learn the lesson of slowing down and not missing anything of import that might be there for me to see. 

Her ears symbolize the fact that I should listen more, of course.  Because she is not often seen, or, that I have not seen many, ever, then this is a strong totem for this month, from full moon to full moon. And, btw, the Hare I associated with the moon and her cycles and I need to be conscious of my journey. Sister Hare may seem she is just bouncing this way and that, but she is still moving forward.  This is my lesson in living more purposefully.

The Hare symbolizes the natural and spiritual world and is constantly on the move.  She may zigzag through life and is quite nervous so seldom just stops and rests.  Another lesson for me to consider.   

The Hare is super sensitive, as I said, and I should consider if I am the same.  I have some new ideas of things I want to do soon.  I have projects to finish; yard sale, offering, in-house, Adult Mixed Media Art Journaling classes to run once a week for 8 weeks.   I have done this for years until covid, so I want to start doing it again.  Those are the two things I could procrastinate about so I need to stay grounded and get them organized and done.    

Sister Hare is a browser.  I have/am having problems with food.  What I used to like, I am no longer even ‘able’ to eat.  It is as if, January 27th, when I suffered toxic poisoning from a diabetic medication, a switch was turned of and all my favorite foods I cannot tolerate.  I cannot make myself eat beef (hamburger, yes, if it is mixed with something).  Popcorn, that used to be my drug of choice/comfort food, I cannot even eat one morsel.  I am super sensitive to texture and smell of food as I prepare it.  One whiff of something and I cannot eat it.  It has been a matter of mind over matter.  I was to try to get my calorie count up to 13200.   I am lucky if I hit 700 calories a day.  I have to force-feed myself.  Browsing is a good idea for me and I need to make sure that I eat the proper food groups.  Another lesson.

If you ever find an animal has come, unexpected, and, perhaps in unexpected way, to you, and it is uncommon or is adamant at being noticed, then it has a lesson for you and quick research into the symbolism of that animal, insect, bird, etc., and you will glean the lesson you are to learn from it. 

I am settled now, and not anxious about the drive to get and to know Sister Hare’s lessons for me.   I wish you be conscious of things that come to you to help you know the lessons.  Know the teacher and learn the lesson.

©Carol Desjarlais 5.18.22​​

p.s.;  the goddess associated with The Hare is Eostre,  and you can take the lessons even deeper by looking at the symbolism of that goddess.



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