Monday, May 23, 2022

Are Affirmations Space-wasters?



It has been a fad to do affirmations on little notes, cards, chalkboards, and have made people famous for their inception:  Louise Hay, Anthony Robbins, etc.  You made the cards and kept them on your bathroom mirror, in your pocket, as a desktop photo, made little Affirmation journals, and you were to repeat reading these over and over and yet, did you notice a true change?  Did you feel a sustaining change?  Np, you probably failed and failed again and beat yourself up for it.  The problem with this is that you were trying to push the outcome through yur conscious mind and the place and space that needed it all is the unconscious mind.

This all adds up to a conflict between in Inner consciousness and the intellectual mind.  Nothing is really manifested but the struggle to try to change your attitude.  Ego versus Reality.  The opposite/negative Ego beliefs begin to dig deeper to try to survive (for the negative belief to continue to be supported by the Critical Inner Voice.  There just needs a slight change in wording for an affirmation to work best.

Instead of printing “I will_____” on a card, print it as a Question… “Will I ____?”.  By asking it in question form, it will make you think about it, rather than state it as a declaration.  It creates self-talk.  It infers that you can, would, should rather than being declarative and writing it down as if it will magically happen.  Changes don’t magically happen, typically.  You have to work at it bit by bit.  It begs some creativity to fulfil the aspiration.  There will be no struggle.  No inner guilt or shame at magically not having it happen at once.  It begs inspiration and curiosity and strategizing to come to the answer for the question.

I thought this was powerful.  I had not been doing any affirmation cards for a long time.  It made me feel hopeless or I would give excuses.  With this, it would keep me trying to solve the question.

What do you think?

©Carol Desjarlais 5.23.22


1 comment:

  1. I’m desperate and lost
    Started trauma therapy
