Thursday, May 7, 2020

Zana, the Fey Goddess/Danu and The Flower Moon

Spring is a riot of colors and sweet aromas.  Our nights are heavy with the nights rich with the smell of Mother Earth in her fecundity.  Magic is most high right now.  We watch seeds sprout and send up small green heads to check out the weather, finding it worthy, small stems begin to rise and leaves begin to form and stick their tongues out at passing cooler nights.  The fey Albanian fairy goddess is Zana, the Fairy Mother of Rivers and Hollows.

Sana’s roots come from the Celtic lore in the Danube River area.  There have been artifacts of sculptures and figurines that are attributed to Zana.  She has also been called Danu.  The Danube is the life blood of that part of Europe and there are old hills and valleys and rivulets that have burnished the land, and, marble is found in great abundance.  Many of the carved rocky areas look like dragons sleeping or rising from sleep.  

May is the month of furious growth and fertile land.  It is said that May is the month of lust for all things.  The hummingbirds are cranky and fierce.  The birds are nesting so they are territorial.  We can become such, as well.  So much to do, so little time, even in isolation.  

Today is a great day to build a bonfire and relax and mediate on the burning woods we add to our bonfires.  The Bel Fire of Beltane has many stories for you, of protection and prosperity.  The sun draws nearer to earth and we are warmed right to the bone. 
Now is the time for stone magic of ruby, garnet amber and apache tear.  If you have ‘female’ problems, now is the time for these stones to work their magic.  The garden begins to bloom and the forest greens, and crops in the fields are rising up.  Such magic and miracle.  Mint and cinnamon should be used in abundance.  

In the garden, plant the Three Sisters; corn, beans and squash that leads to more fertility and abundance of your garden and sustains an echo-friendly environment.
Beltane and Zana are all about family/community abundance in every form.   Your own spiritual and emotional abundance can be developed best at this time.  

Remember Zana and honor her so her stories do not fade into our commercialized arena.  Realize the fertility and abundance of blessings you have, as a family, or make them happen now.  We have been learning patience and we are feeling a sense of more isolation as the weeks of isolation continue.  Find new ways to bring an abundance of care for each other.  Women are the kinkeepers, find new ways to keep kin close.

©Carol Desjarlais 5.7.20

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