Thursday, May 21, 2020

Frog Symbolism - for ShirRae

My daughter had a dream about frogs.  She told me about it and wanted to know what on earth it could mean.  I told her a small bit and said I would do a more in-depth one later.  I am sharing with you.

Whenever you dream about an animal, people, place, thing, there is symbolism.  Dreams never have a literal meaning but rely heavily on what each one stands for, what they/it are doing has meaning, colors in the dream, what is happening around the dream, etc.  Though, it is not always just the dream, it could be that something stands out that you might happen upon that seems to have importance of some kind, to you.   For instance, it is me and bears.  Bears have come around me even when they are where they should not be.  I have sat on the beach of a lonely Northern Lake and had a bear come within feet of me to drink from the lake and to look at me and drink more and then look again and then walk away.  While frightening, I knew it had meaning.  A bear met me on a trail and merely looked at me for a time, then ambled off.  Another time, I dreamed/saw a bear that begged me to follow and when I did, it had a huge message for me.  I have never been attacked by a bear but if I am in their area, they will come.  A Medicine Person told me that I have something that draws bears and something they love, a gift, a spiritual gift, I have for them.  I was told they would never hurt me and to honor them when they come.  While terrifying, he went on to tell me the symbolism of bears and what I might have they are attracted to – not just body can attract such.  It might be you see butterflies in uncommon ways, it might be that you are finding a certain stone many times throughout your life.  Whatever comes, most commonly, or most surprisingly, over and over, it has a message for you.  Some Medicine people can tell you your connection to something and it just makes sense when you hear the symbolism and stories.  So, the Frog…

If a frog shows up in a way that you have a sense is important, it means that you are asked to purge some kind of negativity in your life; physically, intellectually, emotionally or spiritually.  Frogs are the canary-in-the-mine of the waters and environment.  If there is person, place or thing, holding you back, correct it.  It signals that we need to remain protective and honor our intuition.

Frogs and their water environment, rain, flooding, a craving to go to a water body, is important and means you need water healing.  Water/steam is healing for dough and colds and this is Frog Medicine. “A frog in my throat” saying is a phrase that comes from a time when small frogs were put in the mouth of someone who needed healing from colds/coughs, by Medicine People.  It was thought that the frogs would take the cold/cough away.

Frogs live on land and water so they are two-spirited.  As well, they are night-singers and are drawn to the light of the moon.  If you meet or dream a frog at night, as well, know you need healing from being out at night in order to find your song.  Finding your personal song is powerful.  When I was threatened by a bear while walking 52 km into a community, because my vehicle had gotten stuck in the clay, off the road lined with birch trees, as many Northern rods are, and it was early summer when the tropical rains hit the Northern Forest, I sang my song until I was hoarse.  I was given my own personal song for such things in a ceremony.  It is not a regular song.  It is not a song from the charts.  It is a song and melody that comes to you that is new and especially for you.  It is to be sung when fearful, when in danger, when acknowledging something very spiritual.  There were many miracles as that torrential rain fell and traveling on the road could not happen, but did, and I was rescued by someone who was in a position that I absolutely would not have wanted to meet on a lonely wet isolated road.  But I was saved on that road by someone, who, later, I was told, had the nickname Bear.  I will tell the whole story in another blog.  The point is, I have a song that I will sing when dying and that can only be shared in sacred ceremonies.  I sang it to a dying friend when I was called to come to her bedside.  Although she had been unconscious for some time, she smiled when I was singing it, much to the amazement of her family and friends around us.  It has power for comfort not just us.

Frogs, of course, have gifts they bring when they come.  Prosperity of body, mind, heart and soul is signaled.  Frogs can freeze too death yet not die.  They are the signal of renewal.  We need to embrace a transformation that is happening in our lives, if Frog spirit visits.  Leap into changes that are needed.

If Frog comes, remember to reconnect to Mother Earth’s waters.  Bathing, swimming, going to a spa, going to a sweat, adding humidity to your home’s air, all of these are connecting to water.  The frog may be telling you to use this kind of medicine to heal what ails.

Frogs sing great choruses.  To connect to the Frog means that you need to connect with others, to cheer on, to support, to acknowledge successes and for needing to allow others to cheer you on.  Communication with others need happen as it helps to clarify our thoughts and who we are.  We all need affirming, but, if Frog shows up, it means we need more of it.

It all depends on your own personal experience with the Frog; where is was,. How it looked, what it was doing, etc.  This is just a bit about commonalities of the frog connections one might have.  This is a generalized and to know, exactly, the meanings to you/for you, means you need to contact someone who can tell you YOUR OWN sacred meanings.

©Carol Desjarlais 5.21.20

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