Saturday, May 2, 2020


Psyche was the goddess of soul.  She is said to be the wife of the Roman cupid God (Eros).  

She was said to be a beauty and her beauty caused others, especially her sisters, to envy her.  Aphrodite was the worst of it all.  As her adoration waned because the people began to worship Psyche more, Aphrodite became more jealous and caused huge problems, she thought.  She commanded that Eros have her fall in love with a Beast (yes, almost another Beauty and a Beast story).  When Eros went to do her command, he fell in love with Psyche instead.  Eros, in a way, kidnapped her and took her to a hidden castle.  He did not tell her who he was and he told Psyche she must never look him in the face.  Those jealous sisters tricked her into looking and the angry Eros abandoned her.  She spent the rest of her years, searching all the world, for Eros and , in a place of destitution, she ended up being taken into the courts of Aphrodite to be of service to Aphrodite’s whims.  Aphrodite knew who she was and forced her to do impossible tasks.  The tasks became harder and harder to fulfill.  Finally, the last great task was where she was sent into the underworld but she held on to her fear and was successful.  Because she had done every task that Aphrodite could manage to dream up, Eros saw that she had no fear in finding him one way or the other.  They were, at last, free of Aphrodite and they were married.  Psyche’s innocence is depicted in art with butterfly wings as she lived and loved freely in conquering her fears.

Let us, at this time, conquer our fears, without falling into the trap of blame, of guilt, of paranoia because we were listening to conspiracy theorists.
Fear and anxiety are hard to dispel, in a world we live in today, but we cannot cave into that nor into the false hope of this all being over soon.  This is no small thing and on a daily basis, there are all kinds of things to stress us, to create anxiety, to fear, if we allow that to rule us.

Take a big beautiful breath, remember you are divine and you are ‘enough’.  Stop the spiraling of negative thoughts and dreams.  Turn the volume down on your ego that loves to control you through fear.  When they come, deep breathe and turn on your parasympathetic system that brings calm.  But, know, this alone will not do it, for, a moment after you stop concentrating on deep breathing, the negative will flood in again.  Connect to how your body, is feeling when in fear or anxiety, Connect to your reasonable logical mind. Control those emotions that cause all this.  Then, and most importantly, do something about your soul that makes us fear dying and has us obsessively denying that we were born to die.  What we will be left with is soul, an electric energy, that came with us, that is part of the whole that never loses balance and what is taken is given.  

Connect to that soul that is part of your divinity.  Live soulfully not ‘scared’.  Note that soulful does not mean religiosity.  I figured something out when IU extricated myself from an embedded religion.  I realize that my soul does not fit into this elastic skin we have.  It is something that is outside and moves like an ocean around us.  It is why we do not like to sit too close to others, whey some do not like to hug, and why we do not like someone in our face or pointing a finger into our space.  Religion is a square box that we stuff our soul into, like a balloon, though, it can come popping out.  Mine popped out.  I had to be responsible for my own soul and what I feed it.  Living soulfully means to connect to that authentic god gift that refuses negativity.  Sometimes we get chills.  Sometimes the hair stands on end.  Sometimes the hair at the nape of our neck rises much like the hackles of a dog.  There are ways soul lets us know what to fear or beware of.  

 “He who has a ‘why’ to live for, can bear almost any how.” – Unknown

Remember what you set your sails for.  Remember why you hoped, dreamed, wished for certain good things.  Remember we are here to take care of Mother Earth and each other – the Golden Rule above any and all other rules and regulations.  Remember what you believe in.  Remember that through sustaining, through being stalwart, through truly being the soul you were gifted with before birth.  Do not fear flying through this with flying colors.  

I believe in you, sister-friends.  I believe you know what your soul desires; not your body, mind and emotions try to dictate as things to want and need.  Take heart.  Take wing and be who you truly are – strong, brave, beautiful souls.

©Carol Desjarlais 5.2.20


  1. Replies
    1. She is certainly different than what I am usually doing. But, it is good practice for me, for sure. No more helmet head.
