Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Magnificent Obsession

Doing art, creating, decorating, all these and more creative activities that involve moving into that creative space of energy, is a place of sacredness.  In that sacred space, where the critical inner voice has no power, (unless you give it) and you move to a timeless connection with your spirit/soul/heart.  It is there that the world cannot distract you, even for a short time.  It is there we restore ourselves; we enlighten ourselves; we live in that beautiful energy of creation.  That is the space of your divinity, your agape, your place of true wisdom, the place of your divine connection.  These are the things I experience and I believe.

In that quiet space of loss of known time restrictions, of listing things to do or not to do, to that space where there are no critics or judgments, is where we are most open to spiritual teachings, even if we are not aware of it.  I remember hearing a story that we were all like deep-sea divers with a lifeline to those above us (the Mother Ship) on another plane are feeding us what we need to sustain ourselves down here on earth.  It is in that quiet space that we thrive.  It is a place we go to with a deep intention of being inspired, of having our hands and eyes and heart moved to create.  

It is there that thoughts do not tornado around making us weary and less energetic.  It is there that we are most aware of divinity.  In that inner stillness, where living just simply goes away, that we wish to stay.  We return to it again and again because we begin to desire more and more of it.  What a magnificent obsession.

It is there that we find comforts and kindnesses and compassions that wrap around us in that space.  It is there, like some great receiver, we are given signals that the eye cannot see, the ear cannot hear, the body cannot sense.  It is there we begin to use our spiritual vision and teachings.  When we leave that space, we are often exhausted because the teachings have been so great, yet we did not realize it was happening, as I said.  But shortly, we recover in this hard place down here on earth and we realize we have more energy to do more, to see more, to feel more, to learn more.  Much comes to our conscious knowing at the time the teachings need to be more consciously known.  The soul knows what we can handle and when we can handle such things. 

I wonder how many of us feel the same about that space and place we go to when we become totally Present in our creating?  How do you explain that space and time?

©Carol Desjarlais 5.26.20

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