Saturday, May 23, 2020

Divine Mother

"The calm sea is the Absolute; the same sea in waves is Divine Mother. She is time, space, and causation. God is Mother and has two natures, the conditioned and the unconditioned. As the former, She is God, nature, and soul (humanity). As the latter, She is unknown and unknowable. Out of the Unconditioned came the trinity god, nature, and soul, the triangle of existence...
A bit of Mother, a drop, was Krishna, another was Buddha, another was Christ. The worship of even one spark of Mother in our earthly mother leads to greatness. Worship Her if you want love and wisdom." — Swami Vivekananda, Inspired Talks, July, 1895

Have you ever wondered about a heavenly mother, a female God companion?  I have.  I always wondered why we did not know of her, or if God, is not male but neutral gendered?  Oh, the hersay/heresy.  Creators on Mother Earth are feminine.  Would that not mean there had to be a feminine in all of Creation?  My heart and soul need the concept of a Heavenly Mother figure.  Perhaps it is why I got so interested in the goddesses many decades ago.  Today, I write about Devi, a Hindu goddess.

Devi is The Divine Mother, partner to Deva, the male supreme God (Shiva) and who balances the male with her feminine ways.  She has been likened, or called by other names; Saraswathi (goddess of knowledge), Durga (goddess of courage) and Lakshmi (goddess of prosperity), for instance.  

Sri Devi means Mother of All and she can be gentle, goddess of nature and life.  She is said to bring the rains and is a protector against diseases.  This is good to know at this time.  

She can be ferocious in her protection like a mother bear.  She can be benevolent.  She is the balance to Deva/Shiva’s destruction and uses creative energies as a womb of all creation.  This really touches me, that there are cultures who consider such things.  She is our reality, our awareness and our bliss as she helps us change, regenerate, and create.  

How little we know of a feminine creator, yet our soul/spirit knows and longs for more information and more connection.  I believe there is some depression connected to not knowing and not connecting.  I think it has us long for that home we came from originally.  I am sure she blesses those when in throes of pregnancy and childbirth and is closest to us as we go through birthing.  (I wonder… is that her compassion in the pause, the space of time between pain and pushing?  Is she that calm, that spiritual place before we crown our babies?)  Of course, she is known and the unknown, but learning more of her may bring us closer to the feminine compassion so many of us need after being subjected to the maleness of so many of today’s religions.  

Whenever I research and study the goddesses, there seems to be a calming, a comforting, that comes as I realize how thirty my heart and soul are in aligning to the feminine.  There are so many and each has a part of characteristic(s) in one’s life and reality.

So, today, as we all deal with this pandemic and all its residuals, let us call her by any name we might know and beg for her protection and compassion.

©Carol Desjarlais 5.23.20

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