Saturday, May 16, 2020

Rose-Colored Glasses

Have we become jaded?  Is this what we are learning through this isolation we have been made to have to keep ourselves safe?  Somehow, I am thinking that people are more distrustful of others and there is a cynicism that is heightened.  Are we are losing our rose-colored glasses?

There seems to be a raised competitive spirit about.   We are more protective and, perhaps, this is what it is creating.  Someone always has it worse or better than we may think we have and this is causing people to dream up reasons to be negative and derogatory to others, to other places, persons and things.  That is all we needed.  While those who always gave give, there are always those who did not do not.  

Some still believe in karma and some disregard more intently that which they disregarded before all this.  This was an opportunity, I think, for us to change for the better, not the worse.  Conspiracies propagate like weeds.  Everything negative seems more so.  Is there an equal balance of positive?

Are we a people who take care of one another?  Do we still do favors for others without expecting anything in return? As we realists, pessimists, or are we idealists?  Do we spend most of our time thinking negative thoughts or positive thoughts?  Are we globalists or are we stuck in being isolationists?  Do we do things for others because it makes us feel good or because we want others to feel good?  Can we take feedback without being defensive?  Does our very aura and its energy show what we believe in and is it bright and loving or is that a facade because we are not but want others to be?  Do we project what we value?  Can we stand for our truths no matter how it might be taken and risk simply being passionate about what is important to us?  Do we see opportunities in barriers and detours?  These can be tough questions because we are all human and have human frailties.  

How, in these times in this world we live in fraught with fear, distrust, angst, can we be authentically positive?  Are we wearing rose-colored glasses or are we, right to our marrow, finding positive things about what we are going through as women, as human beings, as global brothers and sisters?  Perhaps we might need some rose colored glasses when it feels the toughest.

I gave up on this painting many times.  In the end, she was so rosy.  I almost deleted it and trashed the page but then, I thought, perhaps a healthy pink glow would radiate from an inner glow, so I left her as is, for now.

How do we seek our inner glow?  How do you?

Carol Desjarlais 5.16.20

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