Thursday, April 2, 2020


“It’s time to shake off the old and start anew . This is one of the reasons spring cleaning is so popular. Cleaning out the old and making way for the new always helps to give us a renewed sense of purpose.”

This is the time of Ostara. (Translated, eventually, by Christians, to Easter, to help the pagans accept the concept.  It was first called Eostre, after the Saxon goddess of Dawn, and was the word for East and where the term Oestrogen comes from.

Ostara is shown with a hare and/or an egg which represents fertility .  Now is the time to plant seeds and great festivals were held to celebrate the germination of seeds for a bounteous harvest come summer.  This is the time of Beltane.

This is a month of magic in sprouting seeds, physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.  Let this be a magical month, no matter what you are going through... .you might expect even miracles.  

Spring has sprung, although Mother Earth is going through some birthing pains.  Now is time to use eggs and seeds, to bake yeast breads, to make cakes.  It is a time when those who follow The Way, to actually plant a seed in an empty eggshell, with a hole at the bottom of the shell,  and keep it on your sill so you see it and bless it every day. Fill a shell with a seed of a favorite plant.  Write a one word intention on the shell.  Add compost and a seed.  Gently sprinkle water on it and cover it with a plastic baggy.  Once it begins toi grow, and has three little leaves, transplant it into a larger pot, shell and all, or, if warm enough outside, directly into your garden or flower pot. 

On your altar,  use green and green things, and things that represent the colors of spring.  Add some sees, herb sprig, etc.

I knew I wanted to do an Ostara painting so I began by doing a quick sketch of a portrait and a stylized hare.

Then, layer by layer she began to come into being.

of course, I had to add the eggs.

What does April and Easter and Beltane and Ostara hold for you?
Blessed Be, sister-friends.  Blessed Be!

©Carol Desjarlais 4.2.20



  1. I'm amazed at how much creating you get done. It's always great to read your blog and see your inspiring art. I love this painting very much xx

    1. I enjoyed doing the stylized hare. And, even though it is not my best portrait, I love the whimsy look of her. Thank you, so much.
