Tuesday, April 14, 2020

All Women Are On The Frontlines In Some Way

Human beings are such caricatures of what it is to be female and breathing in this warped world we live in today.  Being that there were already remnants of inequality, some natural some unnatural, and the crushing weight on women, the caregivers of the world, will become heavier and heavier as we try to keep us, our partners, our children, friends, and extended family, as safe as humanly possible. The weight, as caregivers, nurturers, co-creators, can grind us down.  

We are being forced to cut back, to find food, to keep a home running more cleanly, to have less support, and to feel the strain of doing more with less.  Children are home, or we are caregivers to a partner, and that takes more concentration, manic work, and we step into being warriors in our very own homes as we guard the doors and try to be supportive and fulfilling the roles of those people who gave us support (teachers, nurses, care….). We continue to do the cooking and cleaning as always, but at a more serious level.  And the more weight is added.

We are natural at sacrificing; that is part of our very DNA. We tend to take care of others before ourselves.  We will become ground down as the levels of work within the home build.  We are working with less money, most of us, and having to make things spread further.  Many women are already strained, financially.  Many are single mothers.    We absorb the emotional conditions of everyone in our family.  Some are immune deficient and there is that worry.  We have to make decisions like who is going out for an emergency run for food, etc.  

We are dealing with a total disruption of our lives within the home.  Emotions will run high.  How do we ever find who we are in this new environmental disruption?  Do we paste on a smile and run it beautifully, satisfactorily, even a bit chaotically, but safe?
Truly this is a disaster for any of us who are experiencing our own crises.  All of us are at high risk for overload.  We have become front-line workers in our own homes.  Some women are having to work in service-oriented jobs.  How do they stay safe?  The decision-making is huge.  These are dark days of society, or global situation we find ourselves in.  How do we find time for ourselves, how do we nurture ourselves, how do we find a moment of peace within it all?

What are you doing to cope?  We are here.  We are support to each other.  Reply and give us some ideas.

As for me, I am here with my partner and we are managing well.  We have a young woman who buys our things we need and delivers them safely to our doorstep.  I am ‘arting’, I am writing, I am smudging, I am learning new skills, I am reading about new things.  I am watching movies and documentaries.  I break up my day in to cleaning, cooking, supporting my antsy partner.  I am crocheting for a time in the day.  I am reading a book out in the gazebo behind our house.  I have projects I wanted to do and now have time.  I organize for a half hour a day.  I have plenty to do to keep myself occupied, but, there is a longing to be with my girlfriend and spending time with her, like we did once or twice a week before all this.  Being senior and having few things I already did outside the house, I find that those breaks meant a great deal and I am grateful for them now that I cannot do them, for sure.

I began by drawing face shapes in yellow ochre, watered down.

I used charcoal to get some features in. I wanted wacky features because, well, some of us are feeling wacky , sad, peace, stunned, and simply not who we were before this all happened.

I, then, wanted to give different skin colors.

I did some writing above the faces and it was spontaneous.  Afterwards, I realized that I had just exposed my depth of feeling a lack of hope.  It reminded me to work on that /those issues, now, before I tended to squelch those feelings. 

©Carol Desjarlais 4.14.20


  1. Love your 'wonky' faces and always read your blog with interest. Here is what I'm doing while this virus is keeping us confined to our homes: We are allowed out to exercise as long as we practice social distancing, so I walk every day which is becoming my mindful, positive daily activity. I face-time with my daughters and grandchildren more often as we can't see them in person. I've been putting energy into constructing a canvas journal. Basically I've kept my daily routine but have added more appreciation of nature and concentrating on gratitude for what we have to see us through this pandemic. I had mental tension early into this crisis, but decided to not let it get to me. I have concern for my family members who've lost jobs etc, so I try to be a positive and an encouraging voice to them and to help them apply for our government's generous job loss benefits. To me, we mustn't give in to negative thoughts which can lead to depression, fear and illness... Our thoughts are just about everything and we CAN control them at least. Hope everyone is well and keeping as active as possible.

    1. WE can, and must. We feel exactly what we wish to feel. I try to remember this as my feelings bounce around during this time of crises. It would be so easy to throw up our hands and give in to hopelessness, to anger, to bitterness, I think. I do not stay doing one thing too long. I treat my activities like a treat. I go from art, to cleaning, to crocheting, to reading, to artwork, throughout the day and am grateful for all I have I can do. xoxo
