Friday, April 3, 2020


" Life is the greatest gift that could ever be conceived ... A daffodil pushing up through the dark earth to the spring, knowing somehow deep in its roots that spring and light and sunshine will come, has more courage and more knowledge of the value of life than any human being I've met. - Madeleine L'Engle
Spring has sprung and we all sense a need to do spring cleaning.  Perhaps it is conditioning, or, perhaps, it is innate.  Winter sends a few colder blasts, yet, and it is like our Evil Inner Witch ( you know, that critical inner voice/Ego/pineal gland - Lizard Brain) still rattles menacingly through our joy at the new season.  What is it that causes this critical inner voice to growl and grovel within?

Every human being dislikes disapproval.  And, our inner voice will chip away at us, if we allow it.  It can be degrading, self-chastising and downright mean.  How do we allow it to do so when we would not let another living soul get away with such?  Why do we let that voice call us down and discourage us, even now, when we are older and we are pretty much staying away from negative people.  With the virus and the stay-at-home commands, we have more time to let our minds do more work.

Here are some ways to alleviate our need to berate ourselves. 

Build and nurture your trusted friendships and relationships, through phones and internet, face time and skype, and any other medium you can use, with family and friends so you are not so isolated. Most of us know that we need one good friend who we can totally trust with the story of our everyday life so we can get another, trusted, view of how we are doing.  (Let it be known that some we have trusted could be the ones to betray us the worst.  Be careful who we chose.)  Get close to those who are agenda-free. Make sure, as in all relationships, that there is even give and take and that neither you nor they are sap-suckers.  As you begin to feel supported, cared for, appreciated and respected, your Evil Inner Witch quiets down.

Set strong boundaries with others.  Mean what you say and say what you mean.  Resentment is quick to build if you have chosen unwisely.  Honesty is always the best policy and a true friend would appreciate that honesty.  Do what is best for you, do not chose an outer- untrustworthy voice to keep you where your Ego/critical self wants you.  Build relationships with those who you can be open with without setting yourself up for betrayal. 

Do not let one betrayal drive you away from making and keeping relationships with other trusted people.  Check yourself, for a time, since you have betrayed yourself with one friend and make sure you do not let those things that allowed that person to betray you, be carried on into other relationships.  Give accolades to those who have found you worthy enough to befriend.  Be the kind of friend to others that you want in your life.  As soon as you find that supportive person, or persons, allow them to nurture you for a change.  The inner voice has no command over a good woman friend or relative.

Playing with watercolors. A quick light sketch.  

I used a bit of white acrylic along with pan pastel watercolors and my water pen.

I used my watercolor pencils to do some edging and shadowing.  (I used a small wet brush to blend.)

©Carol Desjarlais 4.3.20


  1. Good article Carol and so true. The vivid colours in this painting are amazing, you achieved a eye catching spring feeling xxx

    1. Thank you. I worked hard on this and, when I was done, it felt like I was not the one who did it. It is hard to explain, but most artists will get what I mean. There is this sacred place where time, space, and place do not reside. Intuitively, a painting takes place.
