Thursday, April 16, 2020


“A woman in love with herself is magnetic.”
Abiola Abrams,
The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love

Sometimes we forget what absolute miracles we are.  We are co-creators with the Creator.  We are pure creative in body, mind, heart and soul.  We have a rhythm of the universe in our body.  We are an energy to be reckoned with.  We are potential Goddesses in form, in thoughts, in emotions and in spirit.  

We are the gender that has been abused, has been a threat, has been used, and we have been bowed so often.  We have deserved better and we need to expect respect that we are much more than physical energy.  We have intellectual knowing that comes from the ancients.  We have hearts so full of compassion, nurturing and comfort, and of compassion that can heal the world.  We, sisters, are the answer to ancient grandmothers’ prayers.  We have forgotten so much through the centuries.  We need to reconnect to the divine within.

Rather than know our energy, we have surrendered to the others and have come to believe that we were less than.  We are not.  We were born to be feminine energy that is divine and we need to reconnect with that.  We have become victims to ourselves.  We have allowed our divine energy to be smothered and so many of us have gone through, or have come to feel, abandoned, empty, resentful, and we need to regain that divine spark within us.

We are in constant change; our energy is changing and moving through our time down here on earth, in connection to the moon and its ebbs and flows; our ebbs and flows.  We have many unresolved emotional issues that ache inside us and we have thought to fill it with so many other things; other things, rather than allow that 'divineness' to shine through and for us to move through spirit, to think through spirit. 

We have been silenced so many times that we are afraid to speak our truths.  We have sacrificed ourselves to others’ beliefs and conditioning.  We have learned to be dependent rather than independent.  It has cost us greatly.  We have begun moving through our journey from a place of need, rather than realize we are needed.  We have allowed life to cross our boundaries, allowed others to cross our boundaries, have forgotten that our boundaries should always been in flux.  WE have begun to come from a place of vulnerability because we have forgotten one of our greatest gifts is the gift of intuition.  

I chose to follow a lesson by Kara Bullock, on Youtube.  

I did a quick sketch on canvas board. 

I gathered up some background papers and a quote from a book I bought long ago. 

I glued the bits and pieces, always torn rather than cut out, where I wanted them.

I outlined shapes with my charcoal willow.

I decided to use my beloved Dr Martins’ inks.  I love their brilliance.

I began layering face color and used my pink gelato to get some color on her cheeks.

In the end, I love her. 

We are the kinkeepers, the peace-makers.  We are the ones who need to resolve and forgive and surrender, betimes and still maintain our strength of feminine energy.  We are sacred.  We are connected to all that is sacred.  We may have allowed life make us feel bitter, may have felt regret and not know what it really is that we regret.  Our soul has been begging us to waken to use our spiritual energy for higher purposes.  We are the blessing to the world and its inhabitants, to our families, to our partners, to friends.  Be that.  Fall in love with yourself so you might be that loving energy that evokes change in yourself, in others, in the world.  

©Carol Desjarlais 4.16.20



  1. Beautiful Carol... This is what we all need to remember, our power as feminine. We seem to have been cursed/blessed with emotions that run too deep at times, and yet it's what makes us carers and empaths. At the moment I personally need to remember my strengths on a daily basis, so your words are very timely .... as always. I love your painting too xxxx

    1. Thank you. Yes, it is so easy to listen to the voice of others. We forget we are in total control of what we let enter our soul. xoxoxo
