Thursday, April 9, 2020

After the Shattering

"You may break, you may shatter the vase, if you will, But the scent of the roses will hang round it still." - Thomas Moore

We are all going through rough transitions right now.  It is foreign and our psyche will feel it no matter how busy we keep ourselves.  This is very much a dusky dark night of the soul, in many ways.  We can live all day in our jammies if we choose.  Bonus!

Physically, we do what we need to do to build our own immune systems.  We can accept that our 10K step counter is going to take a hit.  We need to find ways to exercise at home.  We need to be grateful for not having to rush around and up and away so we forget to take our medications.  For those of us who have nervous energy, were work-aholics, were OCD, etc., we can find ways to keep physically busy and burn it off in healthy ways.  A healthy body means a healthy mind, a healthy set of emotions, a healthy balance of spirituality.

Intellectually, we can learn so many new things.  Find responsible factual places to find your information and teachings, not some conspiracy theorist who wants to control us in their own hidden agendas.  Take that class you have always wanted to take.  Be kind to your mind, it wants to trick you too.  Feed it social, cultural, empowerment articles and readings.  This is the time to learn something new.

Emotionally:  always, emotionally, because we so allow our emotions to control us, some times.  Somehow we have to trust.  We trust in an Omni prescient Being, therefore, we ought to be able to give a little trust to what all is going on...with wisdom, of course.  Find your own joy.  So often we lean on others to drive our emotions, even joy, and now, we are learning to find our own.  This is not going to end soon, so we must, finally, take responsibility for our own feelings, inevitable triggers, and peace and calm.  We are adjusting, and for some change is huge.  I find the older I get, the more I resist change.  Life will always have emotional challenges for us to meet, always has, always will.  How we meet those emotional challenges is on us.  

 This is no one's fault but the world's.  We are wont to blame someone else for our quagmire, Reality is.   No one can make us feel anything we do not want to feel.  Yes, we will have moments of angst, anger, hopelessness, disappointment, fury and flurry.  But, we always knew something could happen in the world.  We knew that we had been encouraged to mature, emotionally.  Now, this is the test to see if we have or not.

Spiritually, we have the opportunity and time, and less interruptions, to awaken more.  We are, I am sure, wondering where we fit in to this and how to fit into the whole-world devastating times.  Life as we knew it, fades away, day by day, and we are in a position to develop that which we may not have had time to do so.  This is a crisis and we are called to find new hopes and new ways of being.  We are being made softer and we are being made to be more open and to look at things in a spiritual way.  We have to accept our vulnerability on this blue and green globe spinning away in our universe.  Now is the time to live from a spiritual plane, not our physical, intellectual and emotional views, that might have been skewed.  We can all, have the opportunity for self-actualization of our spirits, our souls.  We can dip into that creative center of our being to soothe ourselves, to allow our spirit/soul to express itself.  We can seek the 'ah ha' moments.  We can develop our intuitive abilities more.  We can become more sensitive to Mother Earth and her needs.  We can seek and discover how our spiritual footprint stirs the ether. 

Our world is a broken jar.  Our life is a broken jar.  It is said that Japanese clay pot makers are said to have had an awesome saying that has stuck with me since I took a sculpting class in the 1970s.  It is said that they believed they should always leave a slight flaw, even a crack, in their work because only the Creator can make things perfectly.  None of us is perfect, by any means.  All we can do is take the shattered jars of our lives and stick them back together in new ways.

As I began this piece, I was going to 'allow' myself to have it not contain the formula of threes perfection.  It jars.  And, so it should at this time in our lives.

I am not, typically, a pink person, but, again, this might be the new norm.  LOL!

A quick sketch of a person.  

I began painting her in and I tried to quiet my Inner Critic as I worked.

I, then, turned to the pot/jar and tried to get some semblance of roundness to it.

A napkin became collage for the piece.

I used them in only two areas:  her hat and the jar.

In the end, she is okay, but can you not feel the imbalance of not following the formula of threes?

A short story to have a look at:

Blessed be, sisters.  Blessed Be!

©Carol Desjarlais 4.9.20


  1. Carol, this has to be one of your best blogs and your painting is amazing... the tulips, just beautifully done... I love the whole thing. I have come to see the COVID19 as having hidden 'blessings' for our growth as humans. No doubt we will continue on with our lives as always when this is all over, but at some level it's changed us and that can either be a change for good or not. We are being forced to be more introspective and to think on what we miss the most - what are our true values - what do we want to focus on in our 'new normal'. Be safe and well ... we will all come through this eventually xxxx

    1. As always, the rainbow after the storm, for sure. We are reminded, as I have said, how vulnerable we really are. Thank you for being so faithful to my blogging. xo
