Sunday, April 30, 2023

Dance, Dance, Wherever You May Be



Life is so lacklustre if we do not have joy in it.  It can be just one foot in front of the other and the less joy you feel, the more ‘less joy’ you feel.  A numbed life is not a life.  How do we kick it up a notch or two?

Go for a walk, but do not walk unintentionally… walk with intention of noticing the small things in nature.

Dedicate one good thing to do for another perron each day.  It could be a phone call, a text, a sharing of something you have made, a recipe, a funny gif, a simple good morning. 

Do something that lifts your spirit.  It might be as simple as light

Light a candle, some smudge or incense.  Find a link to a spirituality without religion and see where that takes you. 

Watch a ‘how to’ tutorial on Youtube that is about motivational speaker.

Do something that gives you pleasure.  Take a bubble bath…light candles, light some incense… turn off the lights, and simply be.

Make it a mission for one hour to find ‘good’ things in your life.

Make a Joy List.  Write down everything you can think of, in your life, that has brought you joy.

Joy is an emotion we cultivate.  We decide on the depth and the spacing of joy.  No one can make you feel anything you do not want to feel.  So, decide to feel joy.

How is joy different than happiness?  Take some time to clarify that. Do an art journal page about your finding(s).

©Carol Desjarlais 4.30.23

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